Mar 25, 2019 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Foreign Aid

2017 Foreign Aid Libya 78 million, Mexico 289 million, Sudan 193 million, South Africa 500 million, Iran 477 thousand, Venezuela 14 million, Haiti 306 million and the list goes on and on. I would bet that hardly anyone knows what this money is spent on. What is it we get for this aid?
nose is, of course, to get these countries to do our will. I remember years ago the ambassador to Romania wrote a book called (I think) Pinstripes and Reds. The U.S. was giving aid on condition the government would stop religious persecution. But they continued bulldozing churches, persecuting Christians, in short, they got the money anyway.

That’s why the Benghazi thing went down the way it did. The buck doesn’t stop until someone dies and then maybe not even then.

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