Freeman High
I lived most of my life in Spokane Washington. It was somewhat of a shock to hear of the school shooting at Freeman High School. The school is located on Highway 27 south of the Spokane Valley. If you look up school shootings on the web you find a long history of these kinds of events. Kids would kill their teacher or another student because of fighting over a girl. Nowadays the reasons are different than one would think. Back twenty years ago I listened to a local sheriff talk about the reasons kids bring guns to school. The overwhelming reason is that they are afraid. Nobody is protecting them from the assaults of bullies. Much talk and “programs” to deal with the bully problem happen but your children are still at risk attending school. One problem is the state has passed laws requiring all students to be educated. You can’t get rid of these little tyrants if you wanted to. The school system gets paid per child so the incentive is to provide whatever is necessary to keep the little demons in class. My wife and I had personal experience with the bully problem. We even went to the superintendent of the district. We found out from this Phd leftist that we weren’t allowed to tell anyone’s child that it was wrong to steal or hurt anyone. Those were our values. They gave this Darwinian product of our education system coupons for free pizza to encourage him to not bully other children. In the end they gave this wonderful boy his own classroom as the school thought they couldn’t return him to the violent atmosphere of the classroom. So if you send your child to one of these cesspools, good luck. It’s tragic that a child is killed at school. It’s more tragic that the government school system has removed God, morality, and discipline from our children’s lives.