Friendly Faces
I’ve spent some time with my grandchildren and in doing so have had to endure the “cartoons” they watch. Children of today are bombarded with continual action on the screen. Superheroes battle hideous looking enemies. Many of the cartoon figures are demonic looking. Hollywood is indoctrinating our children with leftist drivel and at the same time destroying their ability to ponder reality.
Studies show that watching videos hampers a child’s attention span. This is why many children have difficulty learning. But that is not what concerns me; it’s the indoctrination. My grandchildren are getting used to vile looking beasts and all sort of demon like creatures. There was one scene that sticks in my mind. Some type of Supergirl was confronting Superboy and her words to him are: The world doesn’t need a savior. Interesting phrase don’t you think. Children are being prepared to accept anything the mind of man can conceive.
God said He would pour a great deception upon the earth. I believe this will be the coming of aliens from other planets. Actually, they will be demons and this generation will be easily duped as they’ve grown up watching and believing whatever the warlocks in Hollywood have spoon fed them. This may sound outlandish to some. Jesus warned us to make sure that we are not deceived as the deception will be totally convincing.
The truth about everything is being questioned. What once was obvious common sense is looked upon as stuff of fairy tales. The youth have been charmed by videos to accept the friendly faces of hell. Our children are fast becoming immune to truth and morality. Look up. Our redemption is drawing nigh.