Oct 28, 2021 - Culture and Morality    No Comments

Full of Mush

Rush Limbaugh referred to the empty-headed value-less leftist young as having heads full of mush. Basic knowledge and awareness are no longer part of the learning process of youth. The baby boomers have brought up their children to believe anything that comes into their minds.

The result is the complete lack of a connection to reality. Technology has advanced this predicament we find ourselves in which is to say a future without promise.

I viewed a video on Twitter which demonstrates the foolishness of our young people and maybe more correctly, the acceptance of the polar opposite of reality and truth. This girl of about thirteen years of age was complaining how difficult it was to be trans fluid. Imagine having to carry extra clothes with you everywhere you go because you just don’t know which gender you want to be later in the day.

Hollywood as expected supports this trans perversion but for corporations and government to support this destruction of reality is not just depressing but alarming. To speak against the rejection of reality is deemed hate speech.

Complete control of speech and thought is what the government is after. You can have no expression of incorrect speech whether spoken or written and no matter how long ago you said or wrote it.

Our one hope is that the vaccine will have its desired effect and the nonsense-thinking, evil crowd will perish of their own accord. As these effects are not immediate and played out over time I doubt the heads full of mush stand a chance of knowing what’s happening to them.

This nation is under judgement and we sane people won’t have the luxury of flittering our lives away watching screens that keep us from noticing the how close we are to the destruction of everything.

Climate change is the vehicle of choice the government and tech are using to prepare people for one world government and the Biblically promised one world leader.

Trying to convince heads full of mush of our peril is futile resulting in some of us starting to sing that old hymn, “this world is not my home I’m just a passing thru, my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue, the angels beckon me from heavens open door and I can’t feel at home in this world anymore”.

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