Sep 12, 2017 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Harvey and Irma

Psalms 9:19-20 Arise, O Lord; let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged in thy sight. Put them in fear, O Lord: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Everything has become political thereby unjust. Hurricane Harvey has put people in fear. The terrible destruction has humbled many. Hurricane Irma is a further reminder that we are after all just men. People are fleeing, trying to find a safe haven. Can we hide ourselves from God? In the tribulation men (yes, women too) will hide themselves in the rocks wanting to shield themselves from the wrath of God. The wrath of God is the penalty of sin and the rejection of Jesus Christ. We Christians are praying for peace, that America will turn from her wicked ways, repent, and be saved. Some say these hurricanes are judgment from God and it may be so. If that is the case then the rest of the country will suffer the same judgment. I can’t imagine what it would take for California, Oregon, and Washington to be humbled. They parade wickedness in the streets, teach it to children, and through the media have spread filth over the whole planet. I need not even mention Washington D.C. Suffering brings people together that never would have come together. We forget our politics and our petty beliefs and help each other. Sure there are those that take advantage of tragedy but they will be judged for doing wickedly. They don’t know it’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Hiding in rocks can’t save us from the wrath of God; the love of Jesus Christ can. Maybe now most of us will be a little kinder and realize that love covers a multitude of sin and remember that we are all sinners and our salvation is by the grace of God. I don’t believe that God causes these things. Satan is the destroyer. We learn from the book of Job that Satan needs permission to do things to mankind. God allowed Satan to touch Job. Satan crucified Christ. God allowed Satan to do that. Satan meant it for evil but God meant it for good. It’s not always easy to understand what God is doing but knowing that Satan is the destroyer and God gave us Jesus Christ as our Savior is all we need to have peace that passes understanding.

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