Jun 2, 2017 - Uncategorized    No Comments

In His Hands

My daughter has six children. Her husband works hard but you know there is never enough money. I talked to her last night; she wants a job. Getting out of debt would be so great. I can’t disagree with that. I came from a family of six kids. Kids don’t realize what it takes to keep it all going. They don’t learn that till they’re doing it themselves. We had three kids; that was hard enough. My daughter is going to live the same life as my mother, that is, always poor. The stress of poverty is a burden that you never forget. I remember my mom holding up a twenty dollar bill and with tears in her eyes said she would love to give it to some woman who was as desperate as she was when she was young with all those kids. She was sixty years old but she remembers. I remember too. My mother was a saint. I’ve given money and time in an effort to help my girl. Now I’m running out of both. My mother understood that her time was short and the only thing she could do was pray and leave it in the hands of God. The Bible says that more things are wrought by prayer than we know. I’ve become too incompetent to work so I can’t get a job and help them that way. So like my mother I have to grasp the idea that it’s not me that keeps them; it is God. He loves them more than I do. They don’t know it just like I didn’t know it either. Praying is hard work. But it’s what I can do and probably the only thing I need to do.

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