Innocent Blood

Psalm 106:38 And shed innocent blood even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood.

In the list of seven things God hates is this shedding of innocent blood. I think we all know who the most innocent among us are and that is our children. We argue much about the right of women to abort their pregnancies. I think we could all agree that young children and even more so the unborn are innocent of any wrong doing. Children come into our lives and we have to make a choice; will we become parents or will we become monsters.

To those of us with any residue of compassion we would say the unborn are guiltless and deserve no retribution. On the other hand pregnancy shackles women to a life-long commitment that has become fashionable to discard. For these parents the unborn have committed the unpardonable sin of preventing them from living a life totally dedicated to themselves.

During President Trump’s term in office his justice department set a few death row inmates to be executed. These weren’t innocent men, they had been convicted of the most heinous crimes. Those who advocate the death of the unborn readily promote ending the death penalty for the most cruel and wicked of men. Let’s take a brief look at just one of these living monsters and see if somehow a baby is worthy of a cruel death and these “gentlemen” are not.

Alfred Bourgeois was on death row for torturing and beating his two-year-old daughter to death. He was executed on 11 December 2020. He had molested and beaten her several times before. It’s truly disturbing that there were those who knew it and didn’t take measures to stop these unthinkable crimes. The final incident was in his truck. He took her and repeatedly bashed her head against the dash and window resulting in her death.

Bourgeois had been on death row for fifteen years which isn’t unusual in our justice system. We support evil men for years, pay for their appeals, and if they live out their life sentences, we pay for their health problems till they die a natural death.

His daughter Jakaren had no care, received no justice, her little life dismissed by a society that wars against children. Since Roe v Wade we’ve ended sixty million pregnancies. For many, children have become a curse and not a blessing. One could say it would have been better for Jakaren to have been aborted instead of suffering such horrible abuse.

Whilst it’s true that most children have their lives snuffed out in the first month or two of conception, many later term children suffer brutal deaths while hidden out of site in their mother’s womb.

I know there are many unwanted children but using a contraceptive so brutal as abortion demonstrates how we have drifted away from the moorings of civilized society and are ever drawing near to the pagan past.

Evil men do evil things. That can’t be stopped, but it’s up to good men and women to say something and do something and not be so casually concerned with the plight of the abused and neglected in our world.

Diversity and inclusion are pretty concepts of this brave new world but the equity delivered is of no comfort to the innocent for the life of Alfred is of far more value than the life of his daughter. As we know, people suffer when good men do nothing. There’s a whole lot of nothing going on.

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