Jan 16, 2022 - Culture and Morality    No Comments


I have Islamophobia. In fact I have several phobias. Phobia is a fear of something and homosexuals, Islam, Democrats, Marxists, and purveyors of nonsense all fit into my fear box. We’ve given all of these people a right to live in our country. The United States is a place where you can be free to live your life as you want; at least that’s the perceived notion but it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

Remembering the sins of the past that seemingly contradict that premise one concludes that the ideal is under constant construction but today the woke crowd is assaulting the very foundation our progress has been built on.

Whilst pointing out the overly excessive proclivities of white men when it comes to sex, it seems ignoring the obvious deviant behavior of the aforementioned protected groups goes completely unnoticed. White-men-phobia plagues our society and illustrates how bankrupt of morals the detractors of the patriarchy are. I don’t support the excesses of wicked men but merely want to point out the truth of scripture, that being “there is none righteous, no not one”.

Muslim women and children as a whole are subjected to the brutal superiority of not-very-white men. Sharia law instructs Muslim men in the art of suppressing and abusing women. Girls as young as nine can be a bride, no not in all Muslim circles, but in the world of Islam there is much sway in how well you treat women and children. None of this is compatible with our constitution but the left believes culture is everything as long as it’s not Christian based. I am afraid of what Islam is doing to this country by giving credence to the notion that the tenets of a religion can over-rule the constitutional protections we all depend on.

Homosexuals have an exalted place in our society too. Name a homosexual that’s doesn’t live a favored life. The feminization of men has been encouraged for years especially by women. Pushing boys to enter the glorious homosexual life removes them from the vast number of men who want sex with women. In their minds this makes for a safer world for women. The dirty little secret is simply that homosexual men are still men and are just as prone as heterosexual men to deviancy. Women and children are the recipients of this unwanted sexual attention.

The homosexual community has long been campaigning right along with heterosexuals to lower the age of consent. With the American Psychiatric Society softening its view on adult/child sex, it’s only a matter of time before pedophiles achieve “preferred” status just like homosexuals over nasty heterosexuals. From schools to government this assault on children is propagated. So, yes I’m afraid of what the scum of the earth are doing.

Democrats/Marxists are destroying my country and I have much to fear if they are successful. But I will say my biggest fear is government. Our government is on a mission to take my liberty, my ability to voice opposition to anything, and to drain my bank account and future in their relentless bid to control me.

So I fear government the most because they give a platform to wicked people to harm my life, my family, and my hope. They are evil. The Second Amendment probably won’t be enough to stop them. Like Joe Biden said, what are you going to do? We’ve got tanks and jets. Right now he’s driving America-loving people out of the military and the FBI is nothing more than the gestapo. Wait till the drones fly over your house. Maybe old Joe is right. But I’d rather die defending my house than perish in a quarantine camp.

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