Mar 11, 2014 - Uncategorized    No Comments

It’s on the can

I used to be a irrigation contractor. I was taught there was a right way to do something. I watched most installers use different methods for gluing PVC pipe. The instructions were on the can but like so many times, men don’t follow instructions. For that matter they don’t even read them. They may “get away with it” believing they have served their customer well. I’ve made repairs twenty years later that shouldn’t have to be made. All because someone had gotten by with not following proper procedures. I believe the same holds true for other businesses and for that matter everything in life. To some extent that explains the poor drivers, parents, teachers, politicians, ministers, etc. that permeate our society. My advice is to deal with people who excel at excellence, those who are humble enough to take instruction, even if it’s on the can.

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