Nov 7, 2020 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Jumping Off the Cliff

Massive mail-in voting will be problematic from a logistics standpoint and a fraud standpoint. The post office will be bogged down by the deluge making counting ballots in a timely manner impossible.

Verifying ballots is a quagmire in itself.

The Democratic Party has already voiced that they will not abide Donald Trump winning which would certainly indicate that all stops will be pulled and no tactic is out of bounds in their endeavor to secure power.

To bolster this thought I offer the Stacey Abrams election. Now in the end she did not win but when a poll worker happens to find boxes of ballots in her trunk after the election which just happens to favor Abrams, it is very believable that the Democrats will do anything to win. Abrams still insists she should be governor.

As for the world laughing? That’s already happening. We have the greatest country and the world can’t understand why we want to destroy it. I don’t understand it either save for history. When people start putting rights before responsibility, the decline of the nation has reached the cliff’s edge. And there are those who are eager to jump off.

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