Feb 16, 2018 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Larry Edelson

Larry Edelson was, in my opinion, a brilliant student of the markets.  Larry passed away on Thursday, March 2, 2017, at 62 years of age.  The other day I used Larry’s picture for my desktop display.  My wife had put something on my screen as a joke and as I was in a hurry to get out the door, I just “grabbed” Larry’s picture as a quick replacement.  I haven’t replaced it yet.  Larry was a successful, respected member of his peers.  The picture on the screen depicts a man in a suit that looks custom tailored; there’s no doubt he’s “made” it.  To me, there seems to be something unsettled in his eyes.

He had moved back to the United States in January 2016 for health reasons.  That uneasiness of the future is somehow in his eyes.  In our minds we think, I accomplished what I did, many have acknowledged my skills, I have a reputation.  When your health starts failing, you realize you’re standing on the threshold of the unknown, a place you’re unsure of.  That’s what I feel looking at his picture.  After living almost all of your life it becomes apparent that all you’ve done will be left to someone who didn’t do anything to earn it.  If those who benefit from your efforts are righteous then I suppose it was worth it all.  I do believe you should do your best in life to provide an example for your children and give them something to build on.

But in the end, it’s really all about you and where you will spend eternity.  Why was I alive, what was my reason for being here on planet earth, these are the questions we should have asked before we started this journey called life.

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