Oct 2, 2017 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Las Vegas and Sacramento

Stephan Paddock went on a killing spree in Las Vegas. That’s not news to anyone. Deandre Chaney Jr. killed an eight year old boy with a hammer because he was trying to stop the sexual assault of his seven year old sister. He also beat the girl. Paddock apparently had no real history of criminal behavior; the same can’t be said for Chaney. Why, you may say, do I link these two heinous crimes together. Simple. Both of these criminals are products of a school system/society where right and wrong no longer exist. Truth is whatever the state says it is. If one looks at the past record of Chaney it’s obvious the state courts aren’t too concerned about whether he is out on the streets or not.

If one looks at the past record of Chaney it’s obvious the state courts aren’t too concerned about whether he is out on the streets or not. Why he had a girl friend or why he was left with her two children I don’t know. What I do know is the whole nation has been defining deviancy down for quite some time. Paddock did a terribly wicked thing and had no real track record of wrong doing. People are killed with guns by the thousands every year; tragic.  We are perfectly alright with strapping vile people with ankle bracelets so we know where they are. Of course they just cut them off when they flee. What’s missing from our society and government is the willingness to call evil what it is: evil. The problem is, that implies there is a God. That idea is totally unpalatable to educated idiots. That’s why the individual deaths of so many children go mostly unnoticed. Those crimes against humanity happen one or two at a time and there is nothing political to gain by doing anything about the perpetrators. The only deaths that matter are the ones caused by guns.

Every day there are 3000 abortions. No one sees these little lives snuffed out. Their screams are silent. There are no cameras, no cries from the media for controlling the cruelty of the procedure. Nope. The unborn have no political value so therefore they are expendable. The holocaust continues unabated. Yes, the number of abortions are falling but four out of ten pregnancies end in this brutal fashion. Abortion fashionable? Four out of ten? Yes, I’d say so.

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