Nov 21, 2017 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Let’s Play Ball

To shop-lift or not to shop-lift that is the question.  I would guess that stealing is as common as breathing for the Ball Boys.  These punks exercised their black privilege in a country that doesn’t care about their father or how well you play ball.  This story demonstrates the problem with sports, college or professional.  We excuse children when they are immoral just because they can play ball.  Playing ball is for children but we’ve made it a profession.  Young, self-centered men are rewarded for playing like children and then we are surprised that many of them mature into arrogant wife-beaters and thugs.  These are the bums that mentor our children.

Values Clarification was one of the indoctrination tools our government babysitters used to undermine the souls of our kids.  All the lefties and their minions now feel they have the right to live above the law.  Their president did just that.  Rules for Radicals, embraced by Clinton, Obama, and the rest, has given us this anti America, anti history and anti decency lifestyle our young rave about.

Next time, and there will be a next time, these ball-playing criminals won’t have anyone to bail them out.  The only fun part of this whole thing is watching it happen.

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