I offer a few excerpts from a variety of contributors to Lew’s site.
Mike Whitney, The Unz Review “I can’t believe it’s monkey-pox season already and I haven’t even taken my Ukrainian decorations down.” Robin Monotti
Bill Gates’s prediction that the world would face an unexpected smallpox outbreak is miraculously unfolding. Should we be surprised?
Michael Snyder As our supply chains endure even more stress, shortages will continue to intensify. The extreme baby formula shortage that we are witnessing right now is just a preview of coming attractions…
Lawrence Sellin The Gateway Pundit
What we are now witnessing in the U.S. is planned chaos to lay the foundation for “revolution.”
That is, the Biden regime wishes to impose a global one-party totalitarian state, a retrograde hybrid governance model combining the most tyrannical aspects of the Chinese Communist Party and the World Economic Forum, in which there are no nations, but only land and people to exploit.
It is Neo-Feudalism, a world of lords and serfs.
Paul Alexander, We need every single decision-maker who costed lives in COVID to be accountable. The work is just beginning. We must never forget this COVID fraud and we MUST get accountability. Their actions, their greed, their ineptness, their malevolence (some), and their recklessness, killed people.
Michael Baxter
Following a story that Monkeypox has arrived in the United States, the criminal Biden regime last week placed an order for millions of doses of a quasi-vaccine that allegedly protects against the virus. Monkeypox, however, has no clinically effective vaccine, and governments in East Africa, where cases occasionally arise, inject family members of confirmed victims with a genetically modified smallpox vaccination.
Four days ahead of the purchase, Deep State dark lord Barack “Hussein” Obama made a clandestine trip to the World Health Organization’s Geneva Headquarters, where he held private discussions with globalist and WHO kingpin Tedros Adhanom, according to military sources who shadowed Obama from his Massachusetts mansion to Boston-Logan International airport. There, Obama and an entourage of 7-10 unknown persons boarded a chartered 777-300 bound for Switzerland.
Lyle’s post: Do you know what DEF fluid is? Time we found out because it’s a crucial part of diesel fuel. It contains 32% urea which America is a big importer of the government-required fertilizer. Fertilizer you say? Ouch, another need for something big bad Russia and a few others produce. But not even our “friends” are selling to us because as we know fertilizer is getting hard to come by. It’s another consequence of inept leaders; or is it?
The goal of our betters is to first get rid of the excess people (monkeypox) and as an accessory in the political toolbox, our good friends in charge of our lives plan on starving us out. Hungary people do two things the woke crowd like-they either die or become obedient minions of the regime.
Flying J is the largest service provider for truckers. They get their DEF fluid from Union Pacific. Union Pacific is the sole source for DEF fluid. The railroad had told Flying J to cut their shipments by 50%. If they don’t comply they will get none which would essentially bankrupt Flying J. America’s biggest fertilizer producer is CF Industries. Blackrock is the major shareholder in both companies. Blackrock controls fertilizer.
The chairman of the BlackRock Investment Institute dis Tom Donilon, President Obama’s former National Security Advisor. Tom Donilon’s brother Mike is a Senior Advisor to Biden. Tom’s wife Catherine is the White House Personnel Director. Their daughter Sarah (who graduated college in 2019) works on the White House National Security Council.
Blackrock and the Biden administration are dismantling the U.S. system on behalf of the Globalists. Energy is the first thing they’re attacking because it undermines the foundation of our country.
If the pitchforks don’t come out soon there’ll be little left to save. Some have seen it coming for years. No one would listen chalking it all up to conspiracy theories, bad actors, or right-wing nut jobs; I’ve heard the drivel for years. 1984 was a fictional account of life today and I fear our end will be no happier.