Sep 13, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Little Words

It’s the little words we use that mean so much. I, me, we, you, and us are words that roll off our tongues so easy but they convey so much. Sometimes we’re consumed with what “I and me” want. I want to do this or that. I want you to do things my way. Why is everybody always picking on me? Why does everything always happen to me? I remember talking with an a gal I knew on our front porch. We heard the screech of brakes and turned our head in time to see a car hit our neighbors daughter on her bike. It was her birthday and she was riding her new bike while eating a piece of birthday cake. She flew threw the air sitting on her bike and landed across the street just missing a fire hydrant. The gal we were talking to blurted out “why did I have to see that?” She quickly realized what she said and felt foolish. We ran over to the girl along with everyone from five houses. She was hurt but after several months fully recovered. But don’t we all tend to turn off the bad news because we are just tired of hearing it? Another accident, murder, or tragic situation is more than we want to see. We weary of bad news. Wouldn’t we each be better off putting ourselves into the lives of those that suffer from these events? We could pray for them, assist the widows that hurt so much, or in short do our best to supply the needs of others and forget how it effects “I”. Some do those things but it would be a far different world if many did it. We can’t prevent all bad news but we can do our best to have better marriages and relationships. Love makes the world go round or maybe love makes it worth living this life.

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