Oct 17, 2020 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Mandating the Mask

Mandating masks are giving the state power it shouldn’t have. We have a constitution that gives us inalienable rights (rights from God). This is all that keeps us from becoming like the rest of the world where human rights can be abused at the government’s will.

Mask wearing also makes the population more pliable and therefore willing to submit to further encroachments on personal rights. Social distancing is dividing us even further than we already are.

Some people are even afraid to breathe the air outside without a mask. Common sense would tell you that this is ridiculous, but so many people are afraid and their fear makes them overly react and unwilling to touch anything, especially people. Politicians love a crisis and like their constituents to believe they can’t get by without them. Giving up your right to breathe freely is terribly dangerous.

It’s unfortunate for us the pandemic came upon us in an election year. Everything is politicized and this crisis is no different. The public is easily convinced they are in total peril it can then be argued by the Democrat Party that something must be done and of course, money is the solution to everything. Politicians don’t care about trillions of dollars of debt; they only care about vilifying their opponent and taking credit for saving the day to facilitate their re-election.

If no money had been spent, people wouldn’t have put up with the shutdown of their lives because they’d have to make money of their own for living expenses. Small business has been decimated and tens of thousands of them are gone for good. If people had just gone on with their lives and not fallen for the dictates of their betters, we’d be in a much better position. Our economy wouldn’t be upside down, people’s livelihoods wouldn’t have been ruined, and we wouldn’t be suffering from the results of the house arrest.

Money isn’t the solution to the pandemic. Common sense would have led people to be careful. But no, self-righteous, arrogant, power-hungry little tyrants have upped the debt ceiling 15–20 percent in six months putting our nation’s survival in jeopardy.

Our founders warned us of the dangers of power in the hand of men; we’re now paying the price for not listening.

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