Mar 13, 2014 - Uncategorized    No Comments


All these many years later Mao is still held in high regard by many Chinese. The indoctrination by the state dies out slowly. Mao’s legacy is democide like all of his ilk. I would imagine your view of a tyrant is derived from which side of the persecution you’re on. However Stalin’s victims in from the gulag mourned his death. These “gifted” leaders parade themselves through the streets, erect their images everywhere, and their people are required to chant the glories of the exalted one. Here we stand today in America with the population of benefactors extolling the virtue of corrupt politicians. Mr. Obama is held in high regard for the same arrogant better then you attitude. Are we to follow in the same footsteps of the other chumps who followed their pied pipers to a hellish life; or are we to remain free?

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