Mayor Pete
I’ve been on twitter for a couple of months and have to admit at best it’s enlightening and at worst, depressing and a waste of time. Depressing because it’s hard to believe the proud stupidity of so many and like all the other screens we watch, nothing productive comes of it. There is a desire by many to achieve “followers” but basically twitter is just a tangent reminder of how divided our country is. There just doesn’t seem to be middle ground anymore.
Mayor Pete (certainly not my pick for president) has suddenly been accused of systemic racism, not being gay enough (?), and among other sins, having worn of all things the Salvation Army apron in a picture. Not that I’m feeling sorry for Pete but I’m sorry for how everyone must parse their words ever so more carefully to avoid the rage crowd.
These nutty but dangerous monitors of everyone’s malfeasance are products of a Marxist college system countrywide. The only way to put some kind of brakes on the madness is to remove government funding from non-producing citizens. Working in the private sector may shake some sense into those whose reality is Google-based.
But let’s look at the hypocrisy of the lunatics. The Salvation Army is known for all the work it does for the poor. Indeed, it lives up to the vision of the founder, William Booth. Of course that’s the problem the left have-it was founded by a minister of the Christian faith and remains Christian today. You would think that the work they do would be applauded by anyone but in the minds of the left, the only “good” must come and be accredited to the state not to God. It is Christ that is their enemy and it is Jesus Christ and the faithful that must be extinguished. To them it is they who are good and Christians who are evil.
Jesus told the story of the good Samaritan, how he helped the person that had been robbed and left in the ditch to die. In the eyes of the Jews the Samaritans were just worthless half-breeds, much like the left think of us. In the story, I don’t think the fellow in the ditch cared who was helping him. It would’ve been nice if the Jews walking down the road had helped him, but alas the good deed was left to someone of “less” value, a Samaritan or in today’s world, the Salvation Army. And today the left forbid businesses giving to the Salvation Army. They face the rage mob if they don’t comply. Leading the Gestapo are the LGBTQ biology deniers. They are ruthless thugs just like the Nazis were and we have given them too much power and power corrupts the morals and the judgement. That being said, we must for the sake of our children and the world at large, be bold in holding the line against the ravaging desires of sinful men.