Oct 1, 2020 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Mustard Seed

Jesus said we didn’t need much faith to accomplish the will of God, to live the Christian life. We know that mustard seeds are small, smaller than most seeds and Jesus said all we need is that small amount of faith. Faith is what grows the kingdom of God. So if you don’t need much faith, how does the kingdom grow?

Like any seed, the place where it’s planted must be watered, weeded, nurtured. It takes many days for the seed to sprout and the secret ingredient to growing the plant is simply believing that seed will grow. Before you plant and go to all that work you must believe it will grow.

If we work diligently, it will sprout which in turn helps our belief grow. Eventually, we may have sown many seeds and have an immense crop. It is then we can expect God to do the impossible.

Attempting to do the impossible requires belief. Belief starts with the first seed planted. Unbelief stems from giving up before we see the increase. If prayer isn’t answered the first time, do it again, and again, and again…….

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