May 16, 2021 - Uncategorized    No Comments

My Pillow

Mark chapter 4: 36-41 tells the story of Jesus and the disciples getting on a boat and when they were away from land a great storm came up. The disciples were alarmed at the storm as the boat was becoming overcome with the waves.

This must have been a vessel of some size because they had to go look for Jesus. There he was asleep on a pillow. They wake him and accuse him of not caring if they perish or not. Jesus gets angry because they have no faith. They’ve witnessed many miracles and are still anxious for their lives? Without faith it’s impossible to satisfy God. Jesus wasn’t impressed.

Jesus calms the sea and the weather just by speaking to them. The disciples wonder what kind of man Jesus was that even the wind and waves obey him.

What kind of man was he? Jesus was the kind they’re supposed to be, the kind Adam should have been. Adam had a personal relationship with God. We’re to have a personal relationship with Christ. If we know him, we know that he can do anything on our behalf just by speaking the word.

We should sleep like he slept on that boat. He knows there’s wind and waves and we might drown. He knows but he doesn’t care because his kingdom isn’t of this world of wind and waves. Worry is a sin because it reflects the attitude that God doesn’t know what’s going on.

Maybe we should borrow Jesus’s pillow and get a little rest before the real battle begins.

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