Like many others I’ve subscribed to newsletters that bolster our view on a certain category of our personal lives. For many, including me, it’s financial.
Financial writers have a knack for hyping you up and making you think there is some benefit to their monthly advice. Our money is of maximum importance and I venture to say anyone who doesn’t educate themselves can very well end up in ruins.
Much of what I’ve read is useful and usually entertaining and enlightening. But what I’ve found is this: don’t get nailed down to following anyone’s advice including your broker. Everyone wants your money and all have a vested interest in skimming some off the top.
I subscribed to Early Warning Report by Richard Maybury. He helped me understand many things not the least of which is the need to put your money where government puts your tax dollars. His advice is sound and he never makes these urgent pleas to invest now. He’s a reasonable man and one can learn much from him. I dropped my subscription only because he has a somewhat closeted case of TDS.
Everyone has their prejudices and like it or not, some view of a perfect utopian world. Mr. Mayberry is a libertarian (as myself) and figures after the love affair with Keynesian economics is over, the world will have nowhere to go except Austrian economics. I believe this stems from a belief that there are good men who, when the collapse comes, will have that magic moment when the light bulb flickers on and truth will again be valued.
We learn much about how life works from the example of Israel in the Bible. Good kings meant good times; bad leadership meant suffering. We are no different today. We’re not born good, smart or anything else. We’re born; we need to be born again. If we were good we wouldn’t be twenty trillion dollars in debt and have a hundred trillion in unfunded liabilities.
Saul was the first king of Israel. He was handsome, self-confident and I would guess charming. Everyone approved. Moses, on the other hand, took a while for the public to warm up to. He stuttered, was old, and even murdered a guy that was hurting a fellow Jew and it couldn’t have helped that he spent the first forty years living in luxury.
If any of this sounds familiar it’s because nothing changes ever; as the wisest king who ever lived said: ” There’s nothing new under the sun”. We can’t expect too much from politicians or for that matter, our neighbors, and even less from ourselves. There is none righteous, no not one.
If we followed the Ten Commandments, we’d live far better lives. But as long as money is our god and we like our neighbor’s stuff and want it for ourselves, nothing changes. It’s the end game. We’ve torn the Ten Commandments from our view and disdain the people who paid the price for what we now have. We must return to our founding or liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness will become nothing more than wishful thinking. Wishful thinking is for children. America needs to grow up.