Nobody’s Special

We see it all around us. We live in a new woke atmosphere of justice that promotes equity over equality. Equity is loosely defined as making sure all have access to the same benefits whether in the classroom or in the society at large. It further makes the “state” obligated to individualize the talents/needs of each person. Equality is having some form of same access but allowing the individual to work to overcome obstacles to their success.

Our country’s founding was based on individual effort without government interference, a unique concept in a world long bathed in a group effort mentality. They say that equity is a step above or an advancement in the noble desire for equality. We teach our young that they have the right to the American Dream without rooting their success in their own effort. This is where the idea that, “you didn’t build that” which President Obama put forth, comes from. There is nothing special about you. Oh, the collective pundits say there is but the experience on the ground shouts no. You are what the mob-supported government says you are.

Your skin color, religion, sex (lack of gender), or political bent determines your value. In fact it’s fast becoming your reason for being alive is dependent on checking the right boxes. Individual effort and responsibility are only important in relation to how well you obey the edicts of your betters. For a man who doesn’t check boxes well and therefore by default is an enemy of the state, my future in this utopian paradise doesn’t look promising.

This idea of equity over equality effects our everyday choices. For instance our choice of dogs is being skewed by equity. I “like” dogs well enough but these thoughts may offend dog-centric people, a risk I am willing to take. Dogs by many people’s standards are deemed better friends, better companions, and in short, better than humans.

The SPCA came to the United States in 1866 which is notable because it was the year after the end of the Civil War which claimed more American lives than any other war. The world has always been a cruel place and it was the implementation of English common law that nourished the resolution of so many reprehensible things. However, it also ushered in a generation of over-zealous members of a growing society who now are divorced from the necessity of making tough choices regarding bad animals and humans.

No-kill rescues are becoming more popular and with that more dogs of questionable value as a pet are being promoted for adoption. I don’t support cruelty to animals but we’ve developed a world of no consequences for bad actors in both the animal world and the human arena.

Because the world is “over-populating” according to elite minds the aborting of humans is thought most beneficial to the world whilst at the same time ignoring the cruelty of the act. Let’s tie this over-indulgence in equity to the problematic outcome it presents.

Up till now we’ve kept the more belligerent and dangerous members of equitable teaching out of our daily lives. It has in the past only been the occasional heinous crime that upsets our pursuit of happiness. But equity has brought us to the threshold of a violent cultural norm one step at a time. Every man deserves to live even if he’s committed unthinkably cruel crimes. The same applies to dogs. It varies state to state but it’s fair to say that the popularity of no-kill shelters and prisons accommodate the proliferation of the worst of men and the worst of dogs in our society.

A hundred years ago the average person knew when dogs became dangerous and you put them down. The same applied to men. As we feel the encroaching violence batter our everyday peace it becomes more necessary to start saying no to those that don’t know good from evil.

We will either have equal rights or we will be surrounded by the equitable mob who value us purely on the things that don’t matter to God.

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