The Most Important Man
People vie for all sorts of things, recognition, money, and positions of power and many times it’s an embarrassing display of narcissism derived from a lifetime of obnoxious obsession with self-aggrandizement which blossomed in junior high school. Probably the very best of self-promoting imbeciles end up in politics. For the most part, the most popular of these are the type we most disdained when we were kids.
For some reason, (probably because they’re the ones that hand out the “candy”), we jump on the bandwagon of these purveyors of power-hungry bastions of corruption, giving way to a continual degrading of our futures.
I won’t rattle on about people who wouldn’t be missed if we truly understood how little they contribute to the good life. Their only job is to pass a balanced budget that screws as few people as possible and they are woefully incapable of even that. So who really needs them?
But, and it’s a big but, there are many people who are extremely important to our lives. Picking only one is not meant to say the rest aren’t important. Plumbers, janitors, police officers, firemen, and many others all serve us well and most certainly we wouldn’t want to live without them. However, most of what these important people do I myself can do, maybe not as well, but I can fix things, fight the criminal at the door, etc. but there is one man my family can’t live without.
Living in the bounds of residential city life, there is one person I want to see every week, the garbage collector. Lots of things can be put off, sometimes for months or years, but our pile of debris is astonishingly huge every week. If that blessed garbageman didn’t come and haul it away, let’s just say things would get ugly real fast. The stench would build daily and worse yet the hordes of unwanted “visitors” wanting to “rummage” through it all.
Flies without number, and to put the icing on the dystopian cake, rats would be everywhere and not just in Washington D.C.
So Mr. Garbageman (I haven’t seen a garbage woman yet), you get my vote for Person of the Year, every year. It is you I’m especially grateful to have in my life. Thanks for doing something which we pretty much unknowingly can’t live without.