Jul 25, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Fruits and Nuts

For years those of us outside of California referred to it as the land of fruit and nuts. New York was the “big apple” the place of unfettered contact with D.C. We in the middle are now being squeezed from both coasts by the unabashed wickedness of powerful, evil men. The desire of Sodom is celebrated from Seattle down to Los Angeles. Californian children are now required to learn the history and contributions of immoral men and women and criticism of such community is forbidden. Anyone not having their head in their butt (dare I say it that way) knows that when a group of any kind can’t be held accountable they become corrupt, powerful elitist and squash their opposition. I know, judge not lest I be judged. Judgment can’t be avoided. All I’m doing is posting a warning. A huge price will be paid by those who stay in California. Anyone with any morals will be fined, jailed or both for standing up to them. Pride comes before a fall and Californians if they are anything, they are a proud people. Of course their demented ideas have spread to the rest of us who reside between the two capitals of corruption. They are very polished in their ability to invent new ways to incorporate sin into the everyday life of the rest of us. It’s a cancer with no remedy, as they have embraced the deviant lifestyle of Hollywood and Broadway and rejected the only means of salvation.

Jul 22, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

U.S. of Apathy

The United States of Apathy have become the world headquarters of change. Even our arch enemy Un Flung Pooie in North Korea can’t resist the lure of basketball and charms of Dennis Rodman. The millennial generation worldwide has embraced the hope promised by politicians. They are dumbed down far enough to accept the changes orchestrated by the state. Through the fog of the politically correct atmosphere created by the left, our young in their selfish wisdom have decided that discarding the morality of the past will some how usher in a more compassionate and loving world. After many years of preaching by leftist professors the young heads of mush have concluded that parents are no longer relevant, that children learn hateful ideas from them and therefore parental rights are not only an antiquated idea, but fly in the face of necessary programs that make children conform to the ideals of the new compassionate state. Gay rights in all its perverse forms must be taught and accepted by all. Our children have been taught to believe in evolution. Animals can do no right or wrong and if we are animals it would follow that we can do no wrong. The wickedness pouring from Pandora’s box has no limit or no end. If sex with the same sex is “right” then sex with children is certainly on the agenda. If dogs are man’s best friend then sex with animals lurks in the shadows. It’s all out there; it has been for some time. The LGBT community has been awarded without merit the privilege of being the most virtuous people on earth. This is not only ludicrous. It’s dangerous thought. Everyone will be required to accept this. Besides the hate speech law the government wields much power financially over its citizens which makes it all but impossible to stop them. We are moving very quickly to a dictatorship. The ACLU is already blaming Christians for the attack on gays in Orlando. It’s just a matter of time before Christians will have to relinquish property and very possibly serve jail time for their “crimes against humanity”. Like the Jew in Nazi Germany we will be stripped of our humanity and thought of as sub-human. We must pay for the thousands of years homosexuals have been rejected. On a large scale this is just how Lot and his family became so entrenched in Sodom. They’d compromised for years until all Lot could do is enjoy the perks of being an important citizen in town, The problem was, even though his spirit was vexed by what he daily witnessed, he’d become accustomed to life there. His wife enjoyed it. Happy wife, happy life? Sadly they hadn’t noticed the total depravity around them had earned God’s judgment. After all they had been there a long time. And they hadn’t associated with anyone who wasn’t part of the perversion and could warn them that judgment is near. So here I am warning you that judgment is coming; persecution is coming. Will you stand or try to save this life? These aren’t nice people like they proclaim. They are minions of the devil himself. They take orders from him. They don’t like you. Opportunity will be given you to repent, turn your back on Christ, and offer your service to the king of this wicked world. Will you say yes or will you say no. It’s yes or no. They won’t allow you to have middle ground. The Bible says to decide today who you will serve. Today is the day to stand. It will be less easy to stand tomorrow. If you don’t have the strength today, you won’t.. By the way, you can only get that strength from Him. Get to know Him before it’s too late.

Jul 15, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Don’t Be Deceived

Don’t be deceived. That which you sow you will also reap. We were told in the end times that God would pour out a strong deception upon the world to the end that faith would only be retained by the very elect, that is to say those that are truly born again. The rest of the world will be deceived because of their rejection of Jesus Christ. Scientist as a global entity have embraced the lie of evolution and being they are supported by state funds (taxes) the populace have readily accepted evolution drivel as gospel. So the teaching of this affront to biblical truth has compromised Christian doctrine and provided the world elite with an easy path to indoctrinate all global citizens with well documented BS. Our freedom of thought is daily eroded and eventually will end with a few dying on their feet and millions serving on their knees. It’s odd how science will promote the most outlandish proposals and the proletariat will fall all over themselves to serve the whims of the state. Science says there is climate change and man caused it so by cracky we’ve got to discard our common sense and jump on the save the planet nitwit thinking bandwagon. The climate has always been “changing”; every scientist knows this is true. The problem these days is that science, to have any credibility, must bow to the power of the state in that funding of any magnitude must come from the largess provided by the states ability to steal from their citizens. Few people would provide money from their own pockets to fund any of this garbage science. However, governments have a vested interest in hood winking the public as it provides a venue for regulation to further fleece the average Joe. The frosting on the cake is that Joe is dumb enough to believe that he is responsible for the troubles of the world. Of course Joe went to government schools and listened to leftist cartoons as a kid. If he went to the politically correct cesspool of higher education he is at a clear disadvantage to his masters. The television provides a continuing reminder to him of the atrocious maladies his behavior and beliefs have caused. My hope is Joe will read this and maybe look for the truth on his own. But that is a tall order. The older you get the harder it gets to reject your entrenched beliefs. You’re a victim of your own pride. Pride comes before a fall and collectively the fall and collapse will be great. He really believes those politicians love him and want this world to be a better place. Not until there is a carbon tax on the air he breathes will the light click on. I am a pessimist by nature so I can’t even say the light will ever click on. After all there were shmucks in the Gulags that mourned Stalin’s death. Once you reject God and His provision for you then you must pick another god. Stalin, Hitler, FDR, Churchill, Kennedy, Obama (the list goes on) were/are gods and a certain mind willingly accepts their rule. They love us you know. They will send our sons (and now our daughters) to war to fight some bad guys. They pit us racially and any other way they can to divide us but alas they love us you know. Know that they love their power, influence, control, money and privileges and not you. We’ve given up our birth-right for what? For a welfare check, a social security check, for EBT cards, and an endless list of government benefits which are soon ending. The collapse is coming; it’s not something that’s taking the elite by surprise. It’s planned. Jade Hjelm was practice for dealing with the collapse. In one day, one hour, everything will change. The chaos to come is a planned event and the leftist thugs will provide the solution for a terrified public. The sane ones who saw it coming will be imprisoned or put to death. Exciting times, yes? Scripture tells us (Christians) not to worry. He’s overcome the world. Don’t fear the one who kills the body; fear the one who can kill the body and judge the soul.

Jul 13, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments


Our phones, televisions, government regulators and 250 million cameras keep tabs on us. How far away is the day when Big Brother puts his foot on our necks and decides who is worthy to live as a slave of the state. The loss of privacy comes just before the hammer drops. When they know it all, there is no where to hide.

Jul 11, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Dead Bodies

It might be of interest to note how many people wind up dead just for associating with the wrong politician. As long as your government check is in the mail I guess it really doesn’t matter. After all if three thousand kids killed per day doesn’t rub you the wrong way, what would?