Jul 9, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Not So Normal

Years ago if you bought a car on credit you’d finance it for two or three years. Then it became four, five, six and today it’s up to seven years. I noticed a Kia ad the other day that offered to make five months payments for you. Is it just me or do you too have the uneasy feeling the ground is about to shake? It’s just one of the little things that bother me. All this “new normal” is disturbing. It’s not normal; it’s all nonsense. The sad part is that the young believe it is; and so do some of us that should know better.

Jul 6, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Card Tricks

There’s a phrase that describes an inmate waiting on death row when there are no more appeals or pardons possible. The sentence will be carried out. They are a “dead man walking”. This is the situation America finds herself in. The sentence is: you will reap what you sow. We live in a country where one of the most corrupt politicians in our history can still get forty to fifty percent of the vote. This tells us the average citizen is also corrupt and unworthy to live in a free society. Supported by a corrupt supreme court our society has rejected marriage as an institution for the creation and protection of the family. Since the legalization of infanticide in 1973 our citizens have killed fifty three million of its children and now we have arrived at the point of cannibalizing their corpses for the benefit of ourselves. The government must borrow forty cents of every dollar to satisfy our insatiable desires. How long will the collapse take? We’ve built the house of cards beyond what anyone would have thought possible. As long as there are cards to play the politicians will keep on building. I wonder how long Peter can supply the cards.

Jun 28, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Sun City to Sin City

We’re taking off for Idaho and Washington for a month. We are spending our first night in Las Vegas. My wife wants to see the beautiful hotels of this city. Our pastor was a cop in Las Vegas. He has stories of what hides in the shadows of all those lights. He advises to stay where the lights are. I’m sure it’s impressive but I’m hoping the shallowness of man will become so overwhelming that in her mind she will understand how close to Sodom we are; and not to look back and miss the lights when its destruction comes. Our whole country has caught casino fever. However I don’t think it too long before the consequences of twenty trillion in debt and a hundred trillion in unfunded liabilities will bring the whole thing down. Those lights have attracted so many. What a day when the stars begin to fall.

Jun 24, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Numbers Racket

It’s a numbers game. The central banks of the world have invented this game that we all must play. At first it was Monopoly money; it had a face value of whatever the manipulators said. They were so good at managing the mountains of paper debt that we developed huge confidence in their crooked system. To further enhance our stupidity and confidence and keep the whole scam going, digital money was created. This was done in the form of credit. Being money had no ties to real assets like gold and silver, its value could and would float and property purchased with this money would float too. Easy credit meant dollar values would go up and the reverse if credit was tightened. If you look at the national debt of America, it’s climbed to unimaginable heights like most countries of the world. There are still many that believe in this corruption. But there are many that don’t and so we are divided into two camps. Those on the left want the game to go on; those on the right are uneasy about the height of the stack of cards. But nobody wants the stack of cards to fall. The result is something we just don’t want to think about. Our way of life and our lifestyles all depend on unending debt accumulation. I purchased a new European coupe in 1974 for less than $4400. Today that a car similar to that would cost eight to ten times that much. Debt, real or made up by a central bank has consequences. I was making pretty good money back then, $7.89/hr. I was a pipefitter. If my wages kept up with the price of the car I would have to earn $60/hr in today’s dollars. Today the top pay for a pipefitter is under $40/hr and many earn much less. The money that no longer is available for wages has been transferred to pay debt. To live the same lifestyle we must borrow ever increasing amounts of money. The banking system benefits from our loss. The numbers get bigger and we get poorer. That’s the game. This scenario puts us on the verge of crisis on a regular basis. The communists and rest of their ilk have prepared the population (through the education system) to accept the bondage of the state with open arms. So there is a bloody fight coming between the numb-brained idiots on the left and the property owners on the right. The clash between these two factions will be harsh and brutal. The property owners have been stripped of most of their rights by the court system and Congress and have little left to them in the legal system. Imagine there’s no heaven, it’s easy if you try; that’s the mantra of the left. Nothing to fight or die for is a recipe for slavery. It will cost you money, friends, family, and maybe your life but there is something noble about dying on your feet and not living on your knees.

Jun 19, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

As We Perish

Have you ever wondered what’s important? The answer is different depending on your age or how much future you think you have left. That’s the deception. We believe we have one more day. Many things are important of course but most of us spend our lives making sure our number one is all right. We seek companionship, sex, jobs, lifestyle and retirement with ourselves in mind. And why would we not; it’s our life and the only one we get. We get older and a lot of important things are tossed to the ditch. I really never understand the devotion people have to things that really have little or anything to do with them but especially when they are nearing the end of their life. I suppose it gives them a feeling of self worth by voicing support for some issue. Have you noticed when a person dies nothing is important except life itself. Then all the things you believed and collected become worthless. Life becomes the only important thing. Beyond life is that great unknown. Oh we have ideas but if it’s only a belief we have settled on, that could be unsettling. The atheist thinks that this life is all there is. Religions of various sorts purport other doctrines. But the Bible says that we may have eternal life and that is believed by other than Christian people. Scripture (in the book of John) defines eternal life as knowing God. Not knowing about Him but knowing Him personally just like we know people here on earth. So believing in God is different than believing God. I never give scripture references; I just say “the Bible says”. If you want to seek God and eventually find Him it isn’t that hard to do. Read His word. Follow the commandments of Christ. Seek the kingdom of God. Humble yourself. Become aware of the treacherous position you are in. When you realize that you aren’t as good and special as you thought and feel the depravity that breeds in each one of us, repent as the Holy Spirit draws you to Himself. Like Job we must come to an understanding of who we are and who God is. He is the potter, the one who made man in His image. We are the clay marred by a desire to be the potter. We decided to shape ourselves in the image of pride and lust. You have to be willing to let God redeem you. First, genuine repentance is necessary. One must be ashamed before God for following our own selfish ways. We must accept the death of Jesus Christ as payment for our sin and believe He conquered our enemy (death) in His resurrection. Then we start on the path to eternal life by renewing our minds. Get rid of the old thoughts that are contrary to Gods Word. Learn to give grace to all men as He gives grace to us. That’s the difference in knowing about God and knowing God. When you know Him you want to honor Him by giving Him glory in all you do. So I urge everyone to seek Him now while He may be found.