Jun 17, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Fifty Dead

Why would anyone of the Islamic faith kill a bunch of homosexuals? Are people of the homosexual faith treated poorly in Muslim countries? Are 1.3 billion followers of Allah culpable for not reigning in these “extremists”? So many questions; such easy answers. America is filled with ignorant chumps and the rest of us have to suffer because of their arrogant ranting. A lot of us are tired of it but most of us are getting old and will pass soon. But it’s our kids who must pay the biggest price for the idiot thoughts that rule our country. That’s the most frustrating because many times our own children haven’t caught up to the reality that there are many sinister people out to destroy them and don’t deserve a voice in a free society because they don’t believe in a free society. Basic reality 101: liberty is the only thing that protects us from thugs whether it’s on the streets or in government. Wake up!

Jun 14, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

This Dark World

I sometimes wonder if praying has become a lost art. In America we have lots of options for solving our problems. I’m retired and live in Sun City. I live in “doctor heaven”. Doctors of all kinds and hospitals are just a minute of two away. There are so many care facilities that the urgent care centers have people on the corner with signs trying to wave you in like furniture stores or pizza parlors do. It’s odd until you think how many thousands of old dilapidated people live here. Yep there is a concentration of people needing help with health challenges just like others need pizza. Still I weary from all this handy lifestyle that threatens to make me a self-centered old codger who doesn’t care much about what’s happening outside the box. I’ll have to admit it is comforting to live in an oasis that’s outside the world that’s spinning way to fast. After a life that seems sometimes like a blur we’ve arrived at the point where nothing matters too much. Our kids if we have any are doing their own thing and don’t really need our input or want it for that matter. Politics matter only in keeping our boats afloat and the dismantling of our societal norms is out of our hands. The fact that we could have had backbones and made a difference escapes our thoughts. Maybe we enjoyed the freedom that ignorance provides. We’ve done what we were programmed to do and on the way went to Disneyland as much as we could, living life like we thought we should, getting all the gusto we could. Now we must succumb to spending time communicating in worthless words, We’ve decided whether there is a God and are content if there is that we are ready to meet Him. We’re good enough. We’re not killers, thieves, or adulterers. We didn’t do anything too bad. The Word of God says we have all fallen short of the glory of God and at best we are naked, blind, and corrupt. Blissful unawareness engulf the old. What are we unaware of? That knowing God personally is eternal life and that if the Lord doesn’t build your life you labored or spent your efforts in vain. I’m trying to convince people that no matter how old you are it’s wise to find the reason you are here which is only one thing and that is to glorify God. If you are young start now. If you are middle-aged start now. If you are old make your next breath one that praises God. Get to work for as the Bible says the days are evil which is to say this could be your last day and it’s our duty to Him to shine the light of Christ in a dark world.

Jun 10, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Rocket Science

It’s not rocket science. We all know what that means but I’m beginning to think that everything is rocket science to dopes our colleges are turning out. What used to be common sense or just plain simple math has seemingly turned our best and brightest into a caldron of useful idiots. We’ve allowed our young to be indoctrinated by Marxist professors who like their mentors hate what America offers mankind: the freedom to express their thoughts in words. The old saying of not so long ago was: “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”. Political correctness has reversed that idea. Now it’s words that hurt people and if you say them the state will give you your just recompense. The ruthless state decides which words you can say and no mercy will be shown to anyone who defies the glorious state. As part of the fading generation my interest is only kindled by knowing that my children and grandchildren will suffer under the burden of leftist control. I heard a typical comment by a jug head in college; the new communism is good and it’s not like the old communism. I’ll have to admit the left have been very wise and thorough in the brain washing of our youth. And as many despots have noted whoever controls the learning of the young controls the future. So know I don’t expect conditions to change. Even though we have access to unlimited information the fact remains people are ignorant of basic fundamental truths.

Jun 3, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Lending is Better

Someone once said “A penny saved is a penny earned”. That almost sounds like one is putting the cart before the horse. But if you think it through, a penny saved has big advantages. You can invest the penny, there are no taxes to be paid on the saved penny, and saved pennies can accumulate and fund other necessities and ventures. Therefore saved pennies are less stressful than earned pennies. When you save, you rest; when you earn, you work. Further, passive income is better than earned income. To illustrate I’ll tell of my own tepid experience in this matter. In the army one of my friends would run out of money within a week of being paid. Many times he would come to me and ask for a loan til payday. He would borrow ten and payback fifteen. This happened several times. After the service I bought a small house on three quarters of an acre for $3000. I sold it a year later for $5000. After I married my wife and I bought a house, rented it for a period of four years and then sold it. The new owner assumed the existing mortgage and I supplied the second mortgage. At that time he paid 10% interest and stipulated he could pay $50 or more dollars a month. For three years the minimum was paid which meant that a large part of the payment was interest. I realized the advantages of being the lender! Years later I worked with a guy that, hard to believe, was always short of money. So just like my friend in the service, I would loan him a $100 and pay me back $125. I say all this to urge you to be frugal and prepare for any outcome. There are always opportunities to avail yourself of extra income without adding to your work load. And in doing so you provide a service to those that would otherwise not qualify for a home loan and on the smaller scale not be taken in by title loans and pawn shops. The Bible says the borrower is a slave to the lender. I’ve been both and the latter is so much more fun. Loaning money can have bad consequences, so if you do, make sure of the character of the borrower.

May 30, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Pinky and Dennis

I lived in rural Minnesota when I was in elementary school. The school had three hundred students grades one to twelve. We rode the bus. There were two bus drives that served our route. Pinky was a forgettable thin man of weak character. On his watch anything went, spit-wads would fly and occasionally hit the back of his neck. The older kids would pick on the smaller. There were fights. My mother told me I couldn’t fight so I didn’t. But when I came home with a patch of my hair pulled out she relented. I settled the score. Dennis was the other bus driver. He didn’t put up with anything. I remember these two high school boys were being belligerent, taunting everyone including first graders with threats of harm. It was a cold snowy day. Dennis stopped the bus. He grabs the boys and slams them against the wall and in no uncertain terms informs them they are worthless pieces of crap. He opens the door and bodily throws them in the snow filled ditch; no bus ride for them for a week. Eventually we moved to western Washington state. There I attended the most violent junior high in the state. On many occasions the police were at the school at days end as fights were a regular part of life. Our shop teacher had a large paddle and used it when necessary to straighten out the thinking of these rodents. Fast forward fifty years and we witness what the discarding of discipline has accomplished. No longer are the innocent safe or have any defenders. The leftist have posted signs warning everyone of the no tolerance policy concerning drugs, guns, smoking or whatever else they’ve thought of. I guess it gives the naive cowards some comfort thinking that someone is doing something. Little do they realize it’s only law abiding people that obey the signs and rules. Hoodlums don’t fear disregarding there parents orders, mouthing off to teachers, or doing anything wrong. Dad can’t spank you; he might lose custody of you and have to go to anger management training. There’s no fear of going before a judge. More than likely the hand will be slapped and they’ll be on their way to greater mischief. The school makes sure they’re segregated from God; no accountability ever. The progressives have given us the world the apostle Paul spoke of in Romans the first chapter, verses 28 through 32. The leftist are using the same approach for gun control. Demonizing the law abiding citizen while allowing the criminals to go free. If you kill someone the victim loses his life but the perpetrator may get out and enjoy doing it again. Or if they do get locked up for life we get to pay for their medical and living expenses all the while the benevolent state doesn’t even lay flowers at the grave of the victim. The utopia flower is just now coming into full blossom; if only there were a way to pluck the peta