Those Cold Dead Eyes
It’s always bothered me how ignorant and predictable Americans are. Most all of us have suffered the government indoctrination centers relentless destruction of our founding values. We’re taught to be tolerant of everything with the exception of the truth. Our society has succumbed to the mind-numbing double speak of our politically correct masters. Things have gotten so bad that a good number of people have noticed and do understand to one degree or another the peril that we are in. There is ample evidence in the world that socialism and communism don’t work and yet our young have been well schooled in the hatred of liberty and the acceptance of collective living. Freedom is only kept by those that are willing to let everyone participate in the consequences of wrong decisions. I understand the attraction of safety net thinking but I also know that spreading the wealth around is a recipe for destroying the incentive to making wealth. Corporations are in bed with politicians and most of us know it. But we are unwilling to break up this unholy marriage because we’ve been lied to so many times that lies feel like the truth. Half of Americans are willing to vote for blatantly corrupt people. This reflects the corruption of the average citizen and I see little change possible. Like a battered spouse we believe them again and again because they do love us or at least say they do. They’ll make it work. They always have. Somehow the day of reckoning is put off to another time. And just like that spouse whose held on for years to broken promise after broken promise, we look in the mirror one day and realize that we really are much older. We don’t have any more time to wait for the promise to come true. We’ve been cheated, lied to, and the infidelity is crushing our spirit. Maybe it’s time to leave him. Maybe if we embrace another liar things will be better. After all, we don’t want to die in a wretched state. This is where Americans are. Because they wouldn’t demand honesty, good character, and dedication to the vow they took to uphold the constitution, many would leave the protection of the constitution for the promises of the corruption which is socialism and its big brother communism. From each according to his ability and to each according to their need sounds so appealing. It’s the promise of every despot. I think we’re about to marry a control freak, an overbearing oaf that will soon look around for someone to blame for whatever irks them and they unveil their true selves. They are abusers, verbally and then physically, And then they look at our children. Those cold eyes look at our children. God help us.