Since the crowning of the present monarch for a second reign of deception, the homosexual community has been exalted to equal status as the old heterosexual standard. This has been celebrated as the new normal or as I would prefer, the new reality. To relegate homosexuals to one stereo-type is certainly unfair although it is proper to generalize that most have a propensity to be promiscuous at a rate eight times that of their heterosexual counterparts. Monogamy isn’t the usual desire of the average gay person. I believe this push for marriage is rather to accomplish two goals, one being the initiation of equality in society and the other the attraction of participating in the largess the government doles out to the rest of society. I have met some “nice” homosexuals but I don’t feel that is reason to support their desire driven agenda. I once knew a man who seemed “nice” but after their divorce I found out from his spouse that he wasn’t quite as nice as I had thought: he was a child molester. So we have to be careful about giving credence to a whole sector of society because some of them are nice. I’ve also learned that heterosexuals shouldn’t be given unfettered access to our children. The junior high our kids attended had one teacher who had a hard time keeping his hands off the girls. After being bombarded by parents he was removed. However we found out that he had been transferred to another junior high and it was the fourth time he had to be removed from a school. Like homosexuals, teachers are held in high regard. I believe it’s very dangerous to assume people are of the good character just because they’re in a favored group. The school system. along with the union, protected a predator. Are we to believe that a homosexual won’t be even more immune from discipline, as saying anything against a gay person is deemed homophobic. The man/boy sector of the homosexual community is especially troubling. Transgender individuals are coming out of the closet in droves. Exposing young children to their musings will confuse the minds of our children and interrupt the natural decision making process about sex. What we are witnessing is the abolition of normalcy and expansion of depravity. Unloosed from the mooring of Judea-Christian morality standards, society will further plunder its youth in its quest for sexual satisfaction. Once men are free to have sex with whoever they want they will demand it from whoever they want. We will have attained a rape ridden society, void of innocence and filled with frightful violence. As I often say there are too many consenting adults and I detest seeing the state under-girding their corruption. Lowering the age of sexual consent is the goal; sex with children is soon to be deemed normal. This was the societal norm in Sodom; we are well on our way to Gomorrah.