Jan 16, 2023 - Uncategorized    No Comments

This Fleeting Breath

Rock of Ages is a hymn penned three hundred years ago by Reformed Anglican minister Agustus Toplady. The lyrics speak for themselves so my comments are not to interpret a message so eloquently conveyed but to only augment the brevity of those words, especially “this fleeting breath”.

We take for granted the breath we are blessed with. God breathed into man the breath of life and whether we live one day or a hundred years it is a transient connection to this thing we call life. Having had pneumonia a couple times I understand the importance of breathing; it’s all we have to cling to; it’s life itself.

We all have fleeting breath, all eight billion of us. Making sense of life is at best frustrating. Why are so many born only to die? We question God’s motives or reasons for the hopeless loss of breath, and the wretched condition the world finds itself in. “His ways are higher than our ways” is little comfort to a dying world.

You could say God has some explainging to do but who do we think we are demanding anything from God? God created an endless universe, we are but a speck of dust in His sight. I guess God is in that place men envy. God has all power, all glory, there is none else besides Him, no recourse to His edicts. We forget God is God. It is His air we breathe, His world we occupy, His creation. We are players in this maddening game of life.

He has given us the same choice He gave His Son; follow My will, if there was another way I’d surely give it to you. At the onset of creation all of this was planned. Though we partcipate in the plan we have no say in it. But actually we do have some sway with God. He says our problems is simple, we receive not because we ask not. Asking is personal, it’s verbal, it’s believing God for everything.

We’re too busy trying to make it on our own. A fleeting life never has to happen. Never.

Jan 6, 2023 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Tears of a Clown

I went out to see if I could salvage anything but found nothing, just a few withered leaves from a long-dying tree.

So why sit here doing nothing? Let’s go fight, let’s die fighting; we’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t. We hoped things would turn out for the best but it just never happens that way. If we choose to fight then who? Perhaps the battle is between our two ears and the battleground is our wicked hearts. Scripture warns us about the treacherous nature of our hearts. Do we realize that this life is just a warm-up for the one to come?

We were waiting to be healed; now there’s nothing but terror. The ground shudders from the relentless beating of their war drums. They’re going to swallow up the whole world in some kind of slow-motion chess game. The moves are well-practiced after centuries of lost games. As usual, everything is just fodder for war.

I drown in grief, heartsick, knowing what the end will be, wondering if God will intervene or must we fall to the sword of the pagan deities. Things continue as usual, summer is over, and harvest is coming, but for us, nothing’s changed. We’re still waiting to be rescued. Things continue as usual and just a paltry few feel the raindrops falling.

I weep grief-stricken for those I love as there is nothing that can be done for those dear souls. I could weep day and night for the casualties of ignorant and evil thinking. I’d love to get away and never see the feckless faithless castaways, a congregation of degenerates by choice but then children would be left defenseless victims of progressive love. So I write words to chastise a world gone mad hoping to prick some out of their stupor.

A mighty army of liars lays another layer of propaganda on a mountainous pile of untruths. Even those you love may be suspect in the ongoing assassination of your heart. Friend against friend, brother against brother, no relief, no respite; the story of man, beginning to end.

Jesus Christ is the only Saviour of the world but more importantly our savior of our lives. I have decided to follow Jesus. Though none go with me, still I will follow, no turning back, no turning back.

Here, oh Lord if need be, I wait for you alone.

Dec 25, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The New Born King

Jesus, glory to the newborn king. We look around, but we don’t see any indication of His kingdom. Christians have long thought they were supposed to build this kingdom on earth, a sort of heaven-on-earth idea. While it is true that we are building the church on Christ the cornerstone of our faith, I think we forget that His kingdom is not of this world. Our job is to get people ready for the return of Jesus Christ.

We could talk about pre-trib, post-trib, no-trib, and all things related but that is merely side-stepping the issue. The question is, are you born again? Do you look forward to His return? Jesus tells us to pray that we are worthy to escape the things to come. In two thousand years there has been a whole lot of suffering, unthinkable, cruel things. Early Christians suffered and died horrible deaths. Earthly kings didn’t like people being allegiant to a king that couldn’t be opposed physically.

When Jesus told Pilate he only had the authority to do what God allowed him to do, that had to be somewhat unsettling. Noone would ever say that to anyone a ruler. I’m sure many dropped to their knees begging for mercy knowing how cruel punishment would be. But standing before Pilate was someone different. He wasn’t shaking, he wasn’t begging. He spoke as He always did with authority.

As we confront this world we will be held accountable by this world leaders for not bowing, not bending, and speaking with authority because we know our redeemer lives. The fiery furnace is being stoked as I write. Those three young men thrown into the fire saw the furnace being built. Their minds were made up ahead of time. Like Christ I’m sure they prayed asking God if their was any other way, let this cup pass from them.

We don’t know what God will require of us. We think we know a lot about God. We have His Word, the Son of God live a short while among us to show us what God was like. But we only have a glimpse of His power and glory. When He is seen in all His power and glory then the picture will be clear. Every head will bow, every knee will bend, every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

David was anointed king years before he became king. Jesus was anointed king two thousand years ago, enough time for men to get ready for His return, His coronation. He will be crowned king of kings, lord of lords.

Dec 15, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Not Convenient

My beloved wife and I traveled by car to our daughter’s place in Missouri. We left our car there and flew home. I’ll have to admit that I enjoyed the long road trip more than I thought I would. It was a little getaway, a relaxed trip where the journey was as important as the destination. For me, it was a reminder of what we have lost a little at a time on the road to enlightenment.

Back in the seventies, I went to California to see my future bride. Driving straight thru was how I did things back then but I stopped in a little hamlet along the way for a piece of pie. The memory of that little stop has stuck with me. Of course, another “pie” memory of recent times will stick with me too. My son and I went out for a piece of pie. Asking the young waitress for pie and coffee brought a response I wasn’t prepared for. “What’s pie” she asked. I’ll have to admit I’d never been asked that question before. I vaguely tried to explain it but to no avail. I thought defining pie would be easy but in a world where the word woman can’t be defined, pie is just one of the first casualties of the young mind.

Albuquerque, Oklahoma City, Springfield, one can’t help but notice the further east you go people get nicer, even charming, something that made me think, I could live here, a kind of country safeness that put me at ease. We were away from the rattling of the rattlers, a step back to a place and lifestyle that the rest of America on the coast have discarded in favor of social justice.

Heading out to her small farm from Springfield entailed two hours of driving on winding roads. I thought, why would anyone live here? It’s convenient to nothing. A little town or two but nothing big-city living gives us. And I probably would have opted to live a little closer to town, more explicitly a city, you know Costco and stuff.

After three weeks I could feel the everyday contentment that rural life brings. They didn’t move there for convenience. There’s much expense to living in God’s country. Gainsville is just seven miles, it has a grocery store and just enough other things to keep you going. But earning a living out there is hampered by long commutes which is doubly compounded by high fuel prices. Not convenient, nope it’s not convenient but then the better things in life never are.

Rural living is a lot of work. Land requires labor, something city folks don’t have an affinity for. But then much of what we spend our time and energy on just fades away in the country. Even the church feels like sixty years ago when people reverenced God, loved family, and have been humbled and satisfied by a powerful God.

Back in Phoenix, I appreciate the pleasures and convenience of living here. Shopping everywhere, no snow, lots of sun, what’s not to like? But maybe it’s time to stray off the well-traveled road while traveling is still an option.

Dec 9, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Double Down

Anyone wanting to know the truth about the Covid vaccine, FBI and DOJ, and administration corruption can find gobs of supporting evidence. It’s out there everywhere even on Twitter before Elon took over. No excuses for being evil, stupid, or both.

But like good little commies in the media keep pushing the Big Lie and the CDC keeps “suggesting” in their vaccine schedule the dreaded jab putting little children at risk from these poisons.

The election? Why we are to believe that people no longer care about their future, that abortion and gender reassignment is more important than anything else. Elections are close and my gosh it takes days or maybe a month to figure out who won. Are we really that stupid? Voting delays are gimmicks Democrats employ to massage the results. They’ve got this down to a science. Destroying America has a whole cottage industry making sure it happens according to plan.

This is why debating is unnecessary, the results are baked in, and doubling down on wicked schemes is taking place. Democrats are never held accountable, this last “election” proves it.

The coup continues.
