Nov 30, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Sad Truth

I’m sitting here watching events unfolding that seem preposterous, even insane, but nonetheless true. Reality has been turned on its head; the truth has died in darkness. While the perpetrators of a cruel future whistle as they work, we fly-over people are in this quandary, what do we do now that the foundation has been destroyed? Or what do we do when common sense is no longer common?

America was founded by men who wanted a different country with a different vision, a place where everyone would eventually accept that all men were created equal and they were endowed by their creator with certain rights that couldn’t be taken away by the government. That thinking was traitorous to every other regime in history just as it now is to the regime who’ve taken complete and final control of our America.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are anathema to a large part of our population. The young have been indoctrinated into believing nonsense and to exact revenge on those who oppose their mandated beliefs. Too many of the old enough-to-know-better people are placated with government benefits and remain comfortably silent.

Those of us who remain fixed on truth are in unbelief that we are headed to a complete collapse of the vision of our founders. The cry is for a new constitution that codifies in law the silence of lambs. What most don’t understand is the war against the Constitution of the United States has been going on ever since the beginning. So here we sit, not at the precipice of a slippery slope but close to the bottom and teetering on the edge of the slide knowing we will fall into the same old tyranny other nations have always endured.

Is all that the sad truth? No, it’s actually what one would expect. Authorities have long honed their skills in the art of pitting one group against another. Half of Americans are indifferent to the opinions and freedoms of others; so as planned we are a very divided country, good guys or bad guys mostly determined by the words you say.

Words You Couldn’t Say, a book written by a woman who lived through the Nazi rule of Europe, described what it was like living in a world where parsing your words was an everyday necessity if one was to remain out of the clutches of the ever-present Gestapo. Today’s America is no different.

Before our eyes, the Bible is “coming true”. What’s coming true? The promises in Revelation are coming to fruition. That’s part of the sad truth. The suffering described in that book is all set to come to pass. The world has been prepared for world leadership that through technology will have power over every person on the planet. Programmable currency, part of the great Reset, will be the first iteration of the mark of the beast. We are promised the tribulation will be a time like has never been before and the buildup to that time will be very troubling.

American Christians are about to be blessed with suffering as other believers around the world who are suffering at this very moment. Living here has made us soft and arrogant, naked and blind, therefore unable or unwilling to endure the persecution to come.

We are to pray and separate ourselves from the bondage of the flesh which Satan through the auspices of government has enhanced. We must depend on God, choosing to be chastized and molded to exemplify his sacrifice. The average person isn’t willing to weigh the cost of service to Christ let alone pay that cost.

The Bible says to pray that you are worthy to escape the things to come. Worthy, now there’s a thought we dismiss out of hand. Through Christ aren’t we all worthy? Apparently not. The days of Noah, the days of Lot; Noah wanted to be saved, Lot had to be dragged out of Sodom because he didn’t want to go. Which of these examples do we follow? We should believe in God, and we should want to escape the things to come. What’s to come? Flood? Fire and brimstone? Tribulation?

The sad part is that the Bible is true and few there be that want to go through the narrow gate so few there be that find it. His Word tells us to test ourselves to see if we are in the faith. We can’t assume we are saved just because we said a few words. Faith without works is dead. The dead are useless to God. God will prune us to produce fruit. No fruit, not worth keeping around.

Nov 24, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Thanks and Giving

November 26, 1789, President Washington declared a public day of thanksgiving and prayer. We’re to give thanks but to who? In Washington’s proclamation thanks was tied to prayer. Pray to who?

We’re a long way from that sacred hour when Washington spoke those words. We give from a thankful heart. Our founders knew that the blessing on this nation came from God, the Creator of all things. So we pray to God and tell Him, thank you.

Prayer is a humbling act, bowing your head, and kneeling helps put one’s mind in the right frame. Someone is greater than me, someone is more powerful, not trapped in this corrupt world, a lifeline to hope over what I have no control.

We’ve learned to trust God, put our faith in Him, and believe that He will be our help. There are those in the millions who put their faith in science, government, and passionate men who never bend their knees. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. The Bible says to pick this day whom you will serve, who you will bow to, and who you put your faith in.

Men have made a shambles of our world and yet so many depend upon their nefarious promises of a hopeful future. Imagine having a president that was thankful and knew who to thank and prayed to the God he was thanking.

Thank you Lord for giving us a nation founded on thanksgiving’ help us keep that which you have entrusted to us. We say thank you.

Nov 17, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Man in the Ditch

The good Samaritan, we all know the story. The priest and the Levite who passed by and ignored the plight of the man in the ditch knew the law; love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. It all amounted to parsing the words of the law by an expert in the law. Hence the question, who is my neighbor?

Fortunately for the man in the ditch, the good Samaritan didn’t know much about the law, but he did recognize his neighbor when he saw him. It’s noteworthy that the Samaritan was deemed pretty much worthless and unredeemable to the religious leaders who passed by on the other side. These were men so educated and smart that they lacked the ability to show pity. I’m sure they had better more noble things to do that day. Besides, time is valuable, and helping this nobody would require a lot of that precious time not to mention the money involved. On top of that, there was no one to witness the good deed, so obviously, no benefit would come from helping this nobody.

Yes, this story tells us our main responsibility is to look out for each other. We are to be that good Samaritan. However, the story is as much about the man in the ditch. Robbed, beaten, and left for dead, we have no firm idea who he was and neither did the good Samaritan. Maybe he was a good citizen, a family man, someone of high moral character, or maybe not. It’s certainly possible he was the opposite of all that. Maybe he deserved to be laying in that ditch.

If he was the latter then we have to consider that Jesus was telling us simply this, if you see a need then do something about it. It’s interesting that the good Samaritan did what he could at the scene and then put him on his own donkey, his own car. The guy was a dirty bloody mess. I don’t imagine the donkey got too dirty hauling this guy back to town but translate this to today, our car would get blood and dirt on the seat. Cleaning up after is part of the good deed.

To put the cherry on top of this good deed, the Samaritan takes him to a Comfort Inn, pays them to take care of his needs, and follows up with paying them for any extra they did when he returned. The Samaritan had things to do too just like the religious leaders. He had to go somewhere too, he was busy but not to busy to help his neighbor in distress. He helped him and then came back to make sure the man in the ditch was on the mend.

Our problem in this world but especially in this country, we’re neighbor specific. We’ve got to know the social messaging of the person needing help. Are they worthy of attention, of pity? America has arrived at a place where the self-righteous practitioners of woke religion are hostile to those outside of their dystopian teaching. Our young have been taught who to hate, who to pass by, and who to worship by government indoctrination centers. The school system teaches identity politics and we who live in reality are surrounded by an ever-increasing mob of intolerant mindless drones intent on our destruction.

Our job is to continually build what godless lunatics tear down. Like the Israelites in the book of Ezra rebuilt the temple of good. It eventually will be torn down again. The Church of Jesus Christ has been persecuted and torn down worldwide since its inception and now it’s coming to America. Our job is to seek and save the lost in the ditch, keep building and not worry so much about getting to the temple. There’s a lot of work along the way and it’s never finished from generation to generation. Till Christ returns there’s work to be done and much of it gets our hands dirty.

Nov 7, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Election Denial

Fraud and corruption have been part of elections for years but it was when Al Gore took his loss all the way to the Supreme Court over “hanging chads” that protesting of election results became a passion for politicians, especially those of the Democratic Party. Well over a hundred times they’ve denied the results of being defeated.

Stacey Abrams still thinks she won over Kemp even though 50,000 votes separated them. Hillary along with her party persists to this day that Donald Trump’s presidency was illegitimate.

Now Democrats are shouting that if people vote for Republicans that democracy is over. We are in danger of losing our freedoms if people vote! Democrats have led the charge in the Covid lockdown which ruined our lives, are letting the most violent of criminals out with no bail, have allowed five million to illegally enter our country in less than two years, and collapsed the economy with their climate-change nonsense.

Joe Biden and his merry band of demented lunatics are the very definitions of tyrants, eliminating every freedom our constitution gave us. Opposing democrat policies is tantamount to sedition, and insurrection and any opposition is worthy of an indictment, any truth is Russian disinformation. And they wonder why only fools trust them.

I fully expect election results to be muddled and some races won’t be decided till democrats have had time to fondle the ballots, Like 2020 we’re supposed to believe that a majority in any state supports the collapse of our country. But the real reality may just bite them in the butt. People who have to work for a living know what’s going on. Inflation isn’t a word Republicans taught us as the media says; no it’s a real thing that affects people who don’t have a big bankroll. The Dems will get very violent if they actually lose. I’m ready, are you?

Oct 30, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Coup Continues

In 2020 President Donald Trump held rallies that drew thousands. There was even a 96-mile-long parade of cars for Trump between Tuscan and Phoenix. Joe Biden came and we witness a dozen people (masks on) in circles ten feet or so apart and a few cars in the parking lot. Ho hum. And we’re to believe Trump lost. Did we gain access to Dominion voting machines? I don’t believe so. Were supporting documentation that was supposed to be kept for two years destroyed a day before the audit? Huh. Kinda funny.

Katie Hobbs, secretary of state in Arizona, gets the same boring turnout Joe did. When confronted in a restaurant she runs to the restroom. No debate; not needed I guess. One of her main responsibilities is election integrity. Huh. So the criminal that handled the 2020 election and is now herself running for governor. How convenient. Her opponent, Kari Lake, has huge enthusiastic crowds just like Trump. I do hope Lake wins but I won’t be surprised if she doesn’t. This has been a well-planned coup. The democrats aren’t going to give anything back they’ve stolen.

Be ready when the FBI, IRS, or other government thugs come to your door. Die on your feet and tell your children to do the same.

The planned “limited” nuclear engagement with Russia kind of puts a damper on dreams of MAGA. Politicians many times say they trust the American people. So far every time we “win”, the Republican Party does its part to push us closer to the hole. If we win and they deport the criminals that crossed our border, impeach at least a hundred politicians, and then get rid of the Patriot Act maybe I’ll have a renewed sense of hope.
