Oct 10, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments


I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news. Which do you want first? We’ve probably all heard that before. Of course, if I say something then you have no choice in the matter. So I’ll just dish it out and be sure it’s salt-free.

Bad news comes our way first. But wait you say, is there any news that’s not bad? I’ll admit with the onslaught of unthinkable nonsense that’s shoveled our way every day, it’s hard to think of anything that tops the list of bad news. But there is; it’s called, Joe Biden is our president. Every day that’s the worst news. With the talk of nuclear war, it’s at best unsettling that we have people in charge even considering that scenario. But we do. A senile old man is running the most powerful country on earth; that’s bad news.

To be honest, that is not the most frightening thing to me. It is this, 40% or so of the population thinks he’s doing a great job. Joe does too. His supporters are just as delusional as he is. Looking at news from around the world we find everyone but us thinks the U.S. is a joke. I can’t blame them.

Good news? Ya, a lot of people are waking up and if the elections are honest then there is a whisper of hope. But as Stalin said, it matters not who votes it matters who counts them. Dominion is still counting them and I imagine the votes will be sent overseas to be tabulated.

The truth is out there and many are turning over. Blatant proud incompetency always arouses the little guy. This mobster regime means business, no isn’t on their agenda. So be ready little guy, mentally, physically, and spiritually. The Democrat Devil is mad. Satan wants to devour someone; don’t let it be you.

Sep 26, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments


Kings come and kings go. We celebrate when a good king rules. Such was the case for Ezra. After Cyrus and Darius had facilitated the Jewish people’s return to their homeland and the rebuilding of their temple, Artaxerxes became the power behind Jewish existence. It was acceptable to be Jewish.

Nebuchadnezzar, after witnessing the power of God, issued a decree (Daniel 3:29) that every people, nation, and language which speak anything amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego, shall be cut in pieces and their houses shall be made a dunghill because there is no other God that can deliver after his sort.

King Darius (Daniel 6:26, I make a decree, that in every dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel; for he is the living God, and steadfast forever, and his kingdom which shall not be destroyed, and his dominion shall be even unto the end.

Artaxerxes (Ezra 7:29) And whosoever will not do the law of thy God and the law of the king, let judgment be executed speedily upon him, whether it be unto death, or to banishment, or to confiscation of goods, or to imprisonment.

God accomplishes his will through us; we are his workmen but we have to contend with the kings in power. We pray for our leaders not only to be saved but to enforce the will of God and his purpose on earth. For civil society to continue the penalty for sinful men must be severe. Kings exert their power to move men to live by the law. In both these cases, men were punished for not obeying God.

Today is no different. Our leaders are not perfect but they are kings and have power over us. We are crumbling into chaos and ruin because men do not obey the laws of God. The very basic laws against theft and murder are being ignored and encouraged by leaders who abandon civility for personal power.

Belshazzar was a king much like most kings, arrogant and overly consumed with his self-righteous power. He ignored the deterioration of his kingdom and was unaware of his imminent fall. He saw the writing on the wall but didn’t understand it. Our current batch of politicians worldwide are falling into that same trap. Belshazzar could have noticed the bands of soldiers surrounding his fortress, he could have noticed the river drying up but eat, drink and be merry was the rant of the day.

We shake our collective fist in the face of God and declare our independence from him. Our current President Biden is following in Belshazzar’s footsteps. Drunken on power and wine Belshazzar became a fool; Joe Biden is drunk on the same power but on the wine of dementia.

Joe refers to God as “you know, that thing”. President Trump said that the only one we bow a knee to is God. Two rather different thoughts, one not knowing if there is a thing called God and the other saying you’d better bow. Bowing is humbling. The kings Daniel dealt with were humbled either willingly or by God.

Donald Trump has been persecuted and only by the hand of God has survived every assault. The lawlessness in our country must be dealt with and it can’t be squelched without swift, harsh action. Brutal men now roam our streets thanks to the lawlessness of the Democrat Party.

Bringing our country back to civility will be by decree, it won’t differ much from the words of these kings of 2500 years ago.

Sep 17, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

What They Want

I wonder what the left wants. Over time they’ve achieved plenty of free stuff, food, shelter, schooling, medical care, and special programs to facilitate their lack of ambition. But they are still not happy, still want more. Envy eats away at them resulting in a “if I can’t have it, I’ll destroy what you have. Even though they live better lives than royalty in times past, our appeasing their whining never ceases.

I do see where the give me more crowd get their ideas. For years our political parties have pandered to the “needy” people that make up America. Politicians have always printed just enough to butter the bread a little thicker. But this time the butter is melting faster than we can engage our bread. Our brilliant betters have engorged us with butter and given us smaller slices of bread. Can we get more bread? Alas no, but more butter, no problem.

They desire to stop us from pursuing happiness by overturning our reality and making every event a crisis. In the Jacobian fashion, war has been waged on whiteness; it’s been determined civilization is white privilege. In true dedication to Mao, Pol Pot, and Nazi wisdom, we the ordinary minding-our-own-business citizen has been designated evil racists, fulling deserving of scorn and worse.

I, your neighbor, am asking that no such glory be given to the likes of these blood-sucking leeches. Just say no, no to transgender medical mutilation, no to the debauchery and corruption of our quasi-elected politicians. Draw a line in the sand and dare them to cross. The grooming crowd will cower if real men confront their evil..

Realize that we stand waist-deep in quicksand. War is on the march and we have our dirty fingerprints all over it. Whether it’s the border crisis or bureaucracy malfeasance, America must be saved for our posterity. It will cost us everything so what we do will be determined by one thing, love.

Sep 3, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Bureaucracy as a Weapon

The Democratic Party controls everything. They recently voted down a couple important amendments to their (pardon the expression) Inflation Reduction Act that indicates the left’s next move in their final assault on liberty. A declaration that the Justice Department wouldn’t label parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists are needless to say troubling. We are to have no say in what the government’s children learn.

All democrats voted against it and no republicans voted for it. Kamala Harris cast the deciding vote. We’ve seen the lapdogs in the media calling all republicans dangerous to democracy echoing the words of our commander in theft, Joe Robinette Biden. Opposition to democrat policy is now terrorist activity.

Another amendment defeated by the democrats was a provision that the new batch of armed IRS agents wouldn’t be going after people making less than $400,00 a year. Although that was the promise of the democrats, in the end, the regular guy on the street was going to be oppressed by a militant band of tax criminals.

At present the Irs have 4,500 guns and five million rounds of ammunition. Breaking that down it’s 621 shotguns, 539 long-barrel rifles, and in case there’s a heavily armed tax cheat, 15 submachine guns. The message is, pay your taxes and don’t ask any questions; you won’t like our answers.

The Veterans Administration have 11 rounds of ammunition, camouflage uniforms, riot helmets and shields, and other specialized devices to squelch veteran’s protests I suppose.

HHS has 4 million rounds of ammunition and 1,300 guns which include five submachine guns. Ditto for the Social Security Administration which have 800,000 rounds of ammunition for their special agents. The EPA has 600 guns and even the Smithsonian employs 620 armed special agents.

This is a de facto standing army of militarized civilian forces which look and dress like the military. They have the authorization to make arrests. These are foot soldiers in the state’s standing bureaucratic army meant to intimidate and with threat of violence enforce the government’s edicts.

The IRS recruitment posting (now taken down) for people willing to use deadly force should be unsettling to our population. We domestic terrorists are alarmed and our numbers are growing. Those that are secure in their government-provided sustenance (think Boomers) are mostly oblivious to the dangerous predicament we’re in. The government’s always “fixed” things in the past so no worries. With the contested elections this fall we can expect to find ourselves in the throes of martial law.

Even the local police (like the military) have been purged of anyone with a backbone and have been given quasi-military gear right down to jackboots. If it wasn’t for the regime’s aggressive assault on energy most of the population would be giving a ho-hum to the clatter of politics. However, the rapid deterioration of our ability to survive has awoken many to the fact something is drastically wrong. Coupled with a fairly large army of Trump voters, this Great Reset might not go down our throats so easily.

The raid on President Trump’s home adds to the sentiment the F.B.I. is thoroughly in the control of the Democratic Party. President Trump warned us that we, the citizens of this country, were the enemy of the Biden administration. And so we are.

Aug 21, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Red Wave

The democrats were too cocky back in 2016. They had that election in the bag or so they thought. But because of arrogance and poor planning, they weren’t prepared to slip in enough votes to put the Clinton machine back in power and so Donald Trump became president.

2020 was different. Now there have been many state legislatures turning redder with each election and that is said to serve as an indication that a big red wave is coming in 2022. Maybe but maybe not.

In 2020 Biden campaigned mostly from his basement. I’m suggesting the fix was already in. He didn’t need to campaign because the election was massaged to bring about his election. We saw the unprecedented stopping of the vote, the blocking of windows from public view, the employees bringing in boxes of ballots during the said shutdown, and even a Biden/Harris van backing up to the building and unloading boxes of something. Nothing to see here folks. That’s what the dopes on a rope tell us.

Donald Trump was wildly popular. They were a demonstration of support never seen before. Winning at 10:30 p.m. when the voting stopped and then sometime in the night Tinkerbell came to Biden’s rescue and by Joe, Biden got more votes than anybody ever including Obama. Ya, sure.

After six years of nonstop attack, the Democrat-controlled administration of Joe Biden with his attack dog attorney general had the FBI raid President Trump’s home.

That’s phase one, taking down Donald Trump and the Republican Party. Enter phase two, taking you and me down. When the Democrats proposed 87,000 new armed IRS agents it was promised by the Democrats that only those making $400,000 or more a year would be audited. The Republicans wanted that secured in an amendment. Nope, every Democrat voted against it. They’re coming for we patriots.

That kind of over-stepping on the toes of the middle class makes people wonder what’s up. The richer you are the more help you have fighting the IRS. The “rich” are used to being audited and hassled every year. No new agents are necessary to squeeze more out of them. So many agents with guns, what for? Intimidation of the regular citizen. Auditing you and me, stealing whatever wealth we have left. Most people know this and now are joining the red wave folks.

Is it possible that the Democratic Party doesn’t care because their whole agenda is based on executive control? You don’t need Congress for executive orders. Let the Republicans have their red wave is their thinking because everything important to the overthrow of the nation resides in one office, the president.

The election will be fraught with claims of fraud, tampering, and most likely turn violent in some quarters. This will necesitate the calling out of the national guard to maintain order. Martial law is the last block in the foundation of the New America, the Soros, Schwab, Gates approved membeer of the One World Cabal.

Biden has already purged the military of patriotic men and women with his vaccine mandates. So they are ready to turn on us. The democrats have doubled down on the destruction of our economy and lives and have provided an 87,000 member gestapo to keep us in line. Like 2020 I see no panic on the Democrat side. Biden asures us he’s doing a fine job and we have a great future after the transition to dystopia. Harris kackles, Pelosi slurs more nonsense, and the media tell us how awful we are. We just don’t love mother earth enough. It all seems uncannily predictable. Maybe that’s because the rehearsal has lasted for six years.
