May 20, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Zombies One and All

Ukraine, can we ever get enough of Ukraine? Like zombies, media, government officials, and the whole population seem to be in a drunken stupor in support of the war in Ukraine. So quickly we morph into minions supporting the killing machine which is the U.S. military. With only a sparse understanding of the conflict we pick the good guy and the bad guy. Proud of our stance we offer up the word traitor to describe anyone that questions the government’s truth.

Neville Chamberlain was criticized for opposing war or better said an ill-conceived war. “In war, whichever side may call itself the victor, there are no winners, but all are losers. How horrible, fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas-masks here because of a quarrel in a faraway country between people of whom we know nothing.

And so it is with Ukraine; all this concern and passion for people in a faraway country and we know nothing about them. William Butler Yeats, The Second Coming: “The best lack all conviction; while the worst are filled with passionate intensity.” And here we are funding a war with Russia in an attempt to squash all resistance to U.S. hegemony.

I don’t see any good guys or bad guys; I see the results of this war as the same as the others. Debt and plenty of it, thousands dead and maimed, and the victors planning the next incursion into the lives of unsuspecting victims.

Our leaders are foolish and we are fools for allowing them to trivialize the blood, sweat, and tears of our countrymen and those that suffer the bombs we eagerly supply.

Like the lockdown mania of the past couple years, we now will pay an even higher price for allowing evil men to take the reigns of the most powerful country in the world. Famine was already raising its ugly head and this Ukrainian fiasco will give that head a voice that will mock our wokeness and laugh at our red line drawn in the sand.

Winston Churchill said about Russian, “Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an inigma. Try to get our current batch of “statesmen” to understand that simple truth and I’d bet all they could do is scratch their heads.

May 9, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments


HAMPTON — The Hampton School District is in the process of conducting a Preschool Friendship Program Screening for children who reside in the town of Hampton. The screening will be held at the Centre School in Hampton on Friday, May 20.

This screening is available for children who turn ages 3 or 4 by Sept. 30, 2022. Parents who would like their child(ren) to be part of a program that enhances the needs of children with identified educational disabilities and who can separate easily, play appropriately, communicate well with others and are potty-trained may call 603-926-4560 x 310 to sign up for this screening. The tuition amount for the program is $1,750. News Story.

We spend huge amounts on education and yet the state of Maine offers this program to children with disabilities. I’m sure if you go state to state these nonsense expensive programs can be purchased. And this is just for screening! And don’t parent’s with disabled children have enough expenses?

The education system in the United States cannot be salvaged without getting rid of the dead weight that riddles the system. Everything the government has its hands in is bankrupt of value. It’s time to start over from scratch.

May 2, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Knowing God

When the disciples asked Jesus to show them the Father, Jesus responded with a rebuke. How long had he been among them, telling them every day about his Father and yet they didn’t know? Something was different about Jesus. To the outside world he was the son of Joseph. But he was unlike Joseph, he bare no resemblance to him. In fact he was unlike any other man; the wind and the waves obeyed him.

If God could of designed a man it would be Christ. Oh wait you say, God did design a man named Adam. But Adam was different from Christ, he had the breath of God put in his nostrils. Adam was like the rest of creation. He was good. It pleased God that he had made him, but Adam wasn’t God’s son. Adam wasn’t holy. He was separate from God and as sin came into Adam’s life he became separated from God. He needed someone to mend the relationship with God. He needed a savior.

Christ from birth was never separated from the Father, that is until the crusifixtion. Hours of Christ’s life had been spent in prayer communing with God. To bring man into fellowship with God, the Godhead worked out a way to satisfy the anger of God and at the same time make man holy. The Father and Son had contrived a way to make man holy.

Jesus was made in the physical image of a man. On the outside he was like us. The difference is he was from the get-go communing through prayer with his Father. At twelve years old he told his earthly parents, “shouldn’t I be about my Father’s work?” He was different from other boys, not consumed with nonsense, but he spent a lot of time in prayer. Sure, he learned Joseph’s trade, was a model of what you’d hoped your child would be, however he knew he was born for a different reason then most boys. He wasn’t going to reproduce another batch of fallen Adams; Jesus was making a way for man to be born again.

I would think his holiness would be somewhat unnerving to others. He was continually seeking God, building his physical man for the task at hand which was preparing to pay once and for all the sins of the whole world. Was there another way to save the world from God’s judgment? Just before the cross Jesus offered up that question. Was there another way? Jesus is trapped in this body of flesh, He could cut and run at any time. But he left Heaven and all its splendor, put on this body of flesh, degraded himself to being a man, and seeking God everyday to maintain his holiness. Jesus was going to be forever in the likeness of man. Would he fail in the very reason he was born? No. He had to do the Father’s will. His man part didn’t want to; his God part made it impossible to say no.

We’re told if we seek God we will find him. It’s in our nature to worship something but it’s not in our nature to seek God. Jesus prayed for his disciples, they prayed for their followers and the chain of prayer has continued ever since. We pray and the Holy Spirit does the work.

We don’t come to Christ on our own. Someone prayed for us. Maybe our family, our friends, our pastor; someone is praying for you. Jesus came into the world for one purpose, to die for the sins of the world, to give others the invitation to seek God. We find Christ because of the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to be holy, wholy acceptable to God. We have to question ourselves on whether we are living to save the lost and give what’s necessary to achieve that end. In short, are we hear for the same purpose Christ came? Or do we want to live under the illusion that we are now perfect and can go about our business of being the success that Adam never was?

Through prayer all things are possible because time spent communing with God is the only important time we spend. Being like Christ means spending a lot of time praying and that will remind ourselves why we are here. Christ humble himself and we too must do the same. Give up the “glories” of this world, degrade ourselves in the eyes of the world, willing to be called Christian. Is our all on the alter or not. Is to live Christ and die gain?

Apr 26, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Career Criminal

A 58-year-old man burglarized a home in Massachusetts. A fourteen-year-old girl thwarted his crime and drove him off with the help of steak knives and a whole lot of courage.

This demonstrates how hopelessly broken our criminal justice system is. Criminals laugh openly in court knowing they’ll be out before you know it and go right back to terrorizing other victims.

This criminal, Joseph Ridge, has been on a government-approved crime spree since he was 16 years old. From 1980 to the present he has been arraigned 140 times, or roughly, every three and a half months. It makes one wonder if he’s been arrested on average for three and a half months, how long did he ever spend in jail?

Obviously, Mr. Ridge learned the “ropes” of the court system. His case is not unusual and lax treatment is the norm largely because our prisons and jails are filled. It doesn’t help that George Soros-funded D.A.s are lowering punishments. It’s long been my position that making little rocks out of big rocks would incentify people to not be such eager participants in criminal activity.

Our government is filled with long-serving career politicians which in my mind is a similar career. Taxes are legalized theft and politicians have spent decades planning their crimes against humanity. Being robbed by a common thief is usually a one time event. The government on the other hand has a legal right to whatever your personal property. Everything you own is at risk from a government with an insatiable appetite for your money. It matters little which party is in power.

On the other hand, we’ve become very comfortable being led by thieves. The monies they take from our posterity to pay for our safety nets shift the blame for that theft from us to our leaders. We elect people that are just like us, thieves.

Apr 17, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Great Delusion

John J. Mearsheirmer has written a book that everyone should read especially those knights in shining drag that we elect to spread our perversion around the globe. Our politicians believe the secret to peace is to establish a New World Order, a place where democracy reigns and everyone lives under the umbrella of protected rights. They look in the collective mirror and forget what they look like as soon as they turn away. We chose them to represent us and so we are culpable also in forgetting our own hypocrisy. There’s a modicum of self-righteousness in all of us.

No, I’m not talking about white supremacy and the litany of supposed “crimes against humanity” that my family should be tried for but it is the relentless pursuit to remake the world in our immoral image. We foist our depravity on mankind and when they don’t play along we start a war to end the terror of people living without the privilege of democracy. We assume everyone wants to be like us but in truth they really only want what we have; food, a place to live in peace, or more simply put, a better life.

There is no connection between their hearts and minds on what it takes to get to that peaceful place. They just know there is that place and want to go there. With them, they bring the good, the bad, and the ugly. What they don’t want is to be American. Citizenship and the responsibilities of supporting the whole mess is the last thing on their mind.

What supports this messy little place called America? Debt. Our whole system is propped up by the central bank which has been endowed by its creator with certain inalienable rights and that is the right to produce money out of whole cloth, loan it to our nation, charge interest for doing so and set that interest rate. It’s the perfect shell game and all of us are obligated to play.

Knowing this is one thing but understanding it is another. Our whole system is built on the sands of unpayable debt. Some of us are lucky enough to have our homes paid for. We feel somewhat secure and as long as the cards are well shuffled we can sleep. But more than likely we look around us and realize something disturbing, at least it should be disturbing. Those houses around us aren’t paid for; we are a small craft floating in an ocean of debt. And then we realize that those houses are taxed including ours, an obligation we carry and even support in our own minds.

Our taxes support many things good, bad and ugly. Everything falls into those categories, it just depends upon who defines those terms. When the whole thing collapses it is those who “own” their homes who will lose everything.

The wealth we’ve spent our lifetime building can be taken in a heartbeat by the taxing authority. It won’t be till then that the truth will be fully known; taxes are nothing more than theft. Taxes are theft. We’ve been robbed of every good thing and like good little frogs we allowed it.
