Apr 7, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Same Old Story

The takedown of a country from within is always done the same way. Through malicious incompetence and malfeasance, the existing culture is changed by nonstop questioning of history to kill the roots of the present life. By fueling fear of the future, the crisis is an opportunity for complete acceptance of tyranny..

Usually, this ends up with some attempt at creating a necessary war to right some perceived wrong. War puts a population under further stress because the outcome isn’t clear and people are galvanized behind the current leader. Moving the country from crisis to crisis grooms them for the readied solution of the tyrants. Power elites know that populations desire safety above all else.

Ignorant people are easy to control and our country is in tremendous danger because we have millions of idiot citizens who seem to question nothing except their gender. We now are keenly and evenly divided into two basic groups, the prudent and the insane.

The Bible says people perish for a lack of knowledge. Personal sin is what makes that a willful choice. As long as the good-life charade continues, the end becomes set in stone.

The only saving grace is the fact that the saviors in charge of the rubber room are themselves becoming more incapable of putting the finishing touches on their dystopian plans. This isn’t to say there will be anything left to build on but at least then we’ll be able to have a better vision of our future without the fetters of pretended reality.

Mar 26, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Root Of All Evil

Thomas Jefferson and other founders didn’t want a central banking system chief reason being is that it would give too much power to the federal government. Power once given is never given up and morals and judgment are compromised with each passing year.

What must be considered is who we gave that power to. The FED was established in 1913 with the IRS close on its heels. Our leader gave power over our wealth to greedy bankers and politicians. Since that time the U.S. dollar has dwindled and now is worth five percent of the value of 1913. Was this the goal of the central bank? If so, why? Why doesn’t anyone ask this question?

It has to do with our education system. It was old John Rockefeller that started the ball rolling with his donations to the indoctrination system. Granted that he wanted to do something about the U.S. government’s ability to handle its money and the government had a time or two come to him for a loan. Imagine being so rich your government can borrow from you to keep going.

Our college system doesn’t allow questioning the central bank system even though it has failed the public it supposedly serves. So what is the purpose and goal of the central banking system and why did some of our founders recognize what our education monopoly forbids anyone to know?

We look at ourselves as wealthy. We Americans have lots of stuff. The problem is it’s not paid for. That ninety-five percent devaluing of the dollar can be interpreted as debt. The American Dream is based on a life of eternal debt. For most of us, our house payments lasts our whole life. I remember when car loans were for two or three years; now those loans can go on for over double that time.

We are in debt individually and collectively. We can pay off our own personal debt if we’re lucky, but that national debt hangs looming unthinkably larger over us. Like cage fighters, we’ve been thrown into a ring to battle two demonic beasts we cannot conquer, debt and taxes. It’s debt and taxes that lead to death.

It’s the bankers that benefit from slowly boiling us frogs in the pot. Now that our hides are cooked and our strength is almost non-existent, the drain plug is ready to be pulled.

The answer should be, although very painful, to do away with the central banking systems worldwide. Being most of the population are taught that there is no other option, the scam, the shell game, whatever you want to call it, goes on to the pre-ordained destination, total control digitally of all people. This is known as the Great Reset. The public preoccupied with trying to stay alive will readily, maybe eagerly, give up their last crumb of personal control of their lives and take the card or mark to allow them to go on with their pitiful lives.

Debt is our enemy. Central banking is our enemy. Anyone that supports it is our enemy. Unfortunately, it’s most everyone living in your neighborhood, everyone you went to school with, your family, and the politician who looks after your interests. Everybody loves your money and that is what is meant by the saying, the love of money is the root of all evil.

Mar 15, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments


War, what is it good for? Don’t ask me I don’t give a damn, next stop is Vietnam. Wars are always waged with good intentions although I’m pretty sure not everyone is on board with the definition of good. Most of the time one war leads to another; such is the reason the earth has suffered thousands of wars in the last five thousand years.

Our leaders coerce the public into supporting aggression that wouldn’t be necessary if an atmosphere of fear hadn’t been inculcated beforehand. The attitude of our leaders is to promote a specific agenda and the case of Ukraine is no different.

NATO, the antiquated treaty from post-World War Two, has been expanded time and again. Its sole purpose was to stand against the threat of the Soviet Union. Even though Vladimir Putin desires to reconstruct the former Soviet block, his immediate problem is more complex than that. Ukraine is an important part of the world’s food supply among other things. But neither dreams of a future Soviet utopia nor assets Ukraine possesses in abundance are why Putin is invading.

Ukraine is politically corrupt. It is home to many friendly Russian-speaking people and also enemies of Russia itself. Nazis in Russia? The lapdog press is more than willing to call us deplorable people Nazis but Nazis in Europe? Not so important. When the Ukraine prosecutor was investigating Hunter Biden and Burisma, Joe Biden told the government he would withhold a billion dollars in aid if they didn’t fire the prosecutor. Quid pro quo. They fired him and the money laundering scheme of the Biden family remained intact.

Russia, and Putin in name, has been labeled evil for years. This propaganda was put in high gear with the Russia collusion hoax. After being called evil and a killer, Putin has had to admit that we don’t like him, we believe he is our enemy, and we mean to destroy Russia and him along with it. There’s only room for one superpower in this world and it’s us, the U.S.A.

The United States has much blood on its hands over the years since World War Two. Seems there’s always some legitimate reason to spend our wealth and spill the blood of our own countrymen and killing the wealth and citizens of another country.

The Korean conflict left us with two Koreas, the north run by a lunatic, the south run by us. Vietnam? Does one even need to mention that debacle? Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Mideast, in general, have been huge failures at least as measured in terms of “winning”. There is no winning in these wars; it is the advancement of a globalist agenda. And what pray-tell would that be? World government. If nations can’t live at peace then it makes sense to bring everyone under the same umbrella and those that won’t comply with the dictates of the state can be removed from participating in the world economy.

Mandates are merely the beginning of this propagation of designed control of the masses. These ideas are highly attractive to the young as they witness the old disorder of things pass away. Something new is in the wings; you will own nothing and be happy. The Grand Nanny State of all time will take care of you. Just like we’ve pampered the old boomers, you can trust the all-powerful state to right every wrong and provide for every need.

So here we are waiting for the inevitable crash of our world and we’re supposed to be happy.

Mar 1, 2022 - Culture and Morality    No Comments

Cure Violence

 Dr. Gary Slutkin, typical leftist, thinks there’s too much violence in America. That I agree with. Guns are the culprit in his eyes and therefore if you eliminate guns, violence will be greatly decreased.

While it is true that guns are the preferred method by leftists to kill each other and us innocent bystanders too, eliminating guns will only result in more brutal ways to kill someone. Marxists think of people as being things, widgets if you will, albeit with some semblence of usefulness.

The rejection of Biblical values (knowing there’s a God and knowing He will hold you accountable) had tamped down to a great degree this need for vengeance and retribution. Since the founding of our country there have been plenty of guns. Most people used them in a responsible manner. Murders? Sure but not the American pastime it has become. President Obama stoked the fires of hatred in this country, preaching that America was fundamentally flawed and had to be changed. So here we are suffering from the efforts of godless evil men.

Television and movies have promoted killing here and abroad. Video games are created around the premise that killing is sport. We’ve killed the innocent (unborn) by the millions, a selfish lot we are.

Dr. Gary Slutkin and his Cure Violence are members of the ESG crime syndicate along with the Clinton Crime Money Laundering scheme and a plethora of other Marxist organization aimed at managing the rest of us, monitoring us for disobedience to the state.

These people are over-educated and under the impression that they know what’s wrong with the rest of us and as good people are willing to fix us. ESG will destroy every personal freedom we have. Mark of the Beast anyone?

Feb 28, 2022 - Politics    No Comments

The Pusher

These are thoughts borrowed from one Charles Hugh Smith. In this world of diverse necessity his name seems from a time in a distant past where the words of a white man would seem hardly worth noticing. But as we find, the worthiness of a white man’s word is of value being all men are capable of telling the truth although some find it most inconvenient.

He describes our collective self as junkies, addicted to FED monetary policy. We’ve become so accustomed to it we’ve all become addicted to its easing of economic pain and separating ourselves from the fetynal it sells is unthinkable. Easy access to debt has in one well-designed package harnessed the masses into everlasting bondage for college, cars, and what have you whilst simultaneously allowing the well-healed to borrow money below what the average bloke is able and profits handsomely.

This is nothing we don’t know but our addiction is the problem. Every last one of us, rich, poor, stupid, wise, depend upon that shot of confidence we get from the FED chair to make us feel all is well. On the way down we get the jitters; we all know what’s wrong, at least if we were truthful creatures we admit it. We just need something to dtimulate our hope. Just make us feel good; give us something to make it all better.

Admitedly there are many who are oblivious to the consquences of FED addiction. Our betters have gotten away with it, whatever it is. But I think most of us know and dread what feels like our last trip to the ER, hearing the preciding FED physician says what we already knew but never wanted to hear, “there’s nothing we can do, it’s over”. The problem is, we never know which trip is the last. It’s then the weeping begins. The resentment, anger, regret, and abandonment of hope comes flooding over us. It’s like being on an airplane. We’ve taken many flights before, some good, some not so much, but we always got there.

This time is different. The pilot tells us to prepare for a rough landing. A rough landing? Ok. They’ve said that before. Something seems different this time. Somehow we feel like a bunch of clowns riding in a big metal tube; we see the crew preparing parachutes; we can’t help but notice there aren’t enough for us. Our lives, our children’s lives, all depended on this flight making it. We now become very unsettled when it’s announced we are in final approach. Final. it all so final.
