Thomas Jefferson and other founders didn’t want a central banking system chief reason being is that it would give too much power to the federal government. Power once given is never given up and morals and judgment are compromised with each passing year.
What must be considered is who we gave that power to. The FED was established in 1913 with the IRS close on its heels. Our leader gave power over our wealth to greedy bankers and politicians. Since that time the U.S. dollar has dwindled and now is worth five percent of the value of 1913. Was this the goal of the central bank? If so, why? Why doesn’t anyone ask this question?
It has to do with our education system. It was old John Rockefeller that started the ball rolling with his donations to the indoctrination system. Granted that he wanted to do something about the U.S. government’s ability to handle its money and the government had a time or two come to him for a loan. Imagine being so rich your government can borrow from you to keep going.
Our college system doesn’t allow questioning the central bank system even though it has failed the public it supposedly serves. So what is the purpose and goal of the central banking system and why did some of our founders recognize what our education monopoly forbids anyone to know?
We look at ourselves as wealthy. We Americans have lots of stuff. The problem is it’s not paid for. That ninety-five percent devaluing of the dollar can be interpreted as debt. The American Dream is based on a life of eternal debt. For most of us, our house payments lasts our whole life. I remember when car loans were for two or three years; now those loans can go on for over double that time.
We are in debt individually and collectively. We can pay off our own personal debt if we’re lucky, but that national debt hangs looming unthinkably larger over us. Like cage fighters, we’ve been thrown into a ring to battle two demonic beasts we cannot conquer, debt and taxes. It’s debt and taxes that lead to death.
It’s the bankers that benefit from slowly boiling us frogs in the pot. Now that our hides are cooked and our strength is almost non-existent, the drain plug is ready to be pulled.
The answer should be, although very painful, to do away with the central banking systems worldwide. Being most of the population are taught that there is no other option, the scam, the shell game, whatever you want to call it, goes on to the pre-ordained destination, total control digitally of all people. This is known as the Great Reset. The public preoccupied with trying to stay alive will readily, maybe eagerly, give up their last crumb of personal control of their lives and take the card or mark to allow them to go on with their pitiful lives.
Debt is our enemy. Central banking is our enemy. Anyone that supports it is our enemy. Unfortunately, it’s most everyone living in your neighborhood, everyone you went to school with, your family, and the politician who looks after your interests. Everybody loves your money and that is what is meant by the saying, the love of money is the root of all evil.