Feb 22, 2022 - Economy    No Comments

New Money

Our fractional reserve banking system creates new money in two ways; it prints it or borrows it into existence. I am not a financial advisor so any remarks are purely my personal understanding or observation. When new money is borrowed into existence it gives the illusion of growth. Being that debt incurs interest, as time passes the return on borrowing to attain growth is less and less productive.

Notice how much more the FED is printing/borrowing now compared to the 2008 collapse. Our national debt went from just over 10 trillion in 2008 to almost 12 trillion in 2010. As a percentage of GDP, 68% to 82%. 2021 sees almost 30 trillion in debt and 124% of GDP. Growth has become so anemic that the incurred debt can’t be covered.

We are reaching a tipping point where our debt can destroy the whole financial system, to put it bluntly, collapse. Once defaults are the normalcy the FED will have to print more instead of its current threat of raising rates.

The only way out is a return to honest money. Some think gold and silver and other precious metals and I do believe some commodity ownership is wise. However, I think cryptocurrency, after much attempted sabatoge, will become the medium of exchange. It’s already a two trillion dollar market and young people are more inclined to use something digital, safer, and less bothered by government intrusion. For a while the market will be choppy and remain the rollercoaster ride it is today.

But as stable coins offer a “middle” ground, safer if you will, and NFT becomes more common, then Bitcoin and the like will start replacing the world’s failing currencies. Governments will try to stop it but as players like Russia use it vs the U.S. dollar it’s usage will become commonplace.

I believe Bitcoin will trade in a sideways pattern for sometime. For those quick on their trade, there’s money to be made. The next phase of the card- house building by the FED make for a very risky trading time.

Buy endurables, things you need, things of real value. We knew the FED scam would bring us to this point and God help us to grab the reigns of power from the grubby mits of those who think they’re better than we.

White Line Fever

Truckers are kind of a breed of their own. Lots of time on the road, time to think, time to wonder if it’s all worth it. If they have family the question of worth is not open to question. Nobody thinks about truckers too much but they of all people are essential workers.

The government of Canada and the United States are at the tipping point. They’ve got to turn one way or another. Let the people go, give them their freedom back or go full tyranny. From what Castro’s illegitimate son indicates, he’s willing to go to arms. He’s already freezing their funds, stealing their gas, visiting homes that said something supporting the convoy on facebook, and all with the help of the police.

Joe Biden is just as apt to respond in like manner, bare his chest, shout his demands, and use the police and the military (which he has purged of the best patriots) to drive the final nail into the coffin of liberty.

Covid, worldwide, has given police plenty of practice in rounding up those who question and even downright defy the dictates of the state. To say this will be a year of unrest is understating the dire affairs of the months till the election. Not that the election will change anything; more likely every “win” will be challenged by the tyrants. Besides, we have no access to Dominion voting machines. Being the company is made up of dedicated Marxists, I sincerely doubt the outcome will be as anticipated. I hope I’m wrong but I have no faith in the American people.

I suppose the white lines on black pavement do make truckers white supremists, racists if you will. Canadian truckers are liberals for the most part but they do recognize when Castro’s boy is getting a little too big for his britches which means the temperature of white line fever is going up, higher and higher. Who knows, maybe some of us less essential people will join the chorus and shout the tyrants down. Some of us will pay a terrible price for noncompliance, disobedience if you will, but as has been said before, it’s better to die on your feet (or in your truck) then to live on your knees. Push coming to shove, we’re about to see what we’re made of.

Jan 29, 2022 - Politics    No Comments


As defined a mandate is an official order or commission to do something. Or the authority to carry out a policy or course of action, regarded as given by the electorate to a candidate or party that is victorious in an election.

So mandates by definition are tyranny. Remember the Chinese one child policy? Is this any vaccine mandate any different? The idea that you will do this or you can not participate in our society is plain and simple tyranny. Slave master and slave, that’s our “choice”. In pre-tech days one needed to produce “papers” to avoid the wrath of their betters. Today it’s easy to freeze those out of life who don’t cooperate with leviathan. The communists want to keep us from living our lives if we don’t obey.

We are under constant surveillance. Their is nothing the government doesn’t have access to. Whether it’s security at the airport or the millions of cameras keeping vigilant watch over “domestic” terrorists, we criminals are no longer able to fight the beast. As witnessed in the past, political mobs hiding under the cloak of democracy, are ready and able to subvert the freedom and lives of those they disdain.

I find myself in that disdained group. The righteous single out the unrighteous for contemptable sins and in the end passive dismissiveness leads to violent elimination of the perceived enemy as history witnesses over and over again.

“Congress shall make no law” has become a joke in our micro-managed society. Wouldn’t it be lovely if Congress, the courts, and whoever resides in the Oval Office stayed home and out of our lives? Of course they can’t refrain from screwing with us for more than a second. That my friend is what we’ve lost. There was a time a couple hundred years ago when the dimwits that run the country weren’t so involved in running and ruining our lives.

So I just say no. No to the not-so-brave new world with its preoccupation with frivolous living and science-based stupidity. Like the old war on drugs motto, we need to “just say no”. No works. No at school board meetings. No on school levies. No to those that don’t support our founders, and no to those who reject English Common Law. No, not interested, don’t care.

They took the Bill of Rights away overnight save for one. Hold tight to the Second. It’s all that’s left.

Jan 22, 2022 - Politics    No Comments

Covid Criminal

Fauci sent money to the Wuhan lab to develop this virus. He wanted gain of function and he got it. There is no reason to do this unless you have an evil motive. Those that support the covid porn are in on it too. It’s time to sober up and realize the government and its host of bureaucrats are serious about population control. Just like Hillary, he should be in prison.

Jan 16, 2022 - Culture and Morality    No Comments


I have Islamophobia. In fact I have several phobias. Phobia is a fear of something and homosexuals, Islam, Democrats, Marxists, and purveyors of nonsense all fit into my fear box. We’ve given all of these people a right to live in our country. The United States is a place where you can be free to live your life as you want; at least that’s the perceived notion but it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

Remembering the sins of the past that seemingly contradict that premise one concludes that the ideal is under constant construction but today the woke crowd is assaulting the very foundation our progress has been built on.

Whilst pointing out the overly excessive proclivities of white men when it comes to sex, it seems ignoring the obvious deviant behavior of the aforementioned protected groups goes completely unnoticed. White-men-phobia plagues our society and illustrates how bankrupt of morals the detractors of the patriarchy are. I don’t support the excesses of wicked men but merely want to point out the truth of scripture, that being “there is none righteous, no not one”.

Muslim women and children as a whole are subjected to the brutal superiority of not-very-white men. Sharia law instructs Muslim men in the art of suppressing and abusing women. Girls as young as nine can be a bride, no not in all Muslim circles, but in the world of Islam there is much sway in how well you treat women and children. None of this is compatible with our constitution but the left believes culture is everything as long as it’s not Christian based. I am afraid of what Islam is doing to this country by giving credence to the notion that the tenets of a religion can over-rule the constitutional protections we all depend on.

Homosexuals have an exalted place in our society too. Name a homosexual that’s doesn’t live a favored life. The feminization of men has been encouraged for years especially by women. Pushing boys to enter the glorious homosexual life removes them from the vast number of men who want sex with women. In their minds this makes for a safer world for women. The dirty little secret is simply that homosexual men are still men and are just as prone as heterosexual men to deviancy. Women and children are the recipients of this unwanted sexual attention.

The homosexual community has long been campaigning right along with heterosexuals to lower the age of consent. With the American Psychiatric Society softening its view on adult/child sex, it’s only a matter of time before pedophiles achieve “preferred” status just like homosexuals over nasty heterosexuals. From schools to government this assault on children is propagated. So, yes I’m afraid of what the scum of the earth are doing.

Democrats/Marxists are destroying my country and I have much to fear if they are successful. But I will say my biggest fear is government. Our government is on a mission to take my liberty, my ability to voice opposition to anything, and to drain my bank account and future in their relentless bid to control me.

So I fear government the most because they give a platform to wicked people to harm my life, my family, and my hope. They are evil. The Second Amendment probably won’t be enough to stop them. Like Joe Biden said, what are you going to do? We’ve got tanks and jets. Right now he’s driving America-loving people out of the military and the FBI is nothing more than the gestapo. Wait till the drones fly over your house. Maybe old Joe is right. But I’d rather die defending my house than perish in a quarantine camp.
