The King and his Subjects
Our founding fathers lived under the authority of a king. People are subjects of the king; they are subject to his will. Some liked being subject to a king, even benefiting from being on his good side. But most of the population doesn’t fair that well under single rulership. The whole system judicial, police, military etc, belong to him. Everything stops with the king.
The founders didn’t like this arrangement and had the thought, we’re thousands of miles away from this king, why not create a place where men were ruled by common agreement? A government for, by, and of the people. Britain didn’t give up this wonderful America easily. The British were conquering the world and America was the only impediment to ruling the world.
We won! Those free men drew up our Constitution and gave us our Bill of Rights. Those rights were given by God and therefore couldn’t be taken away. From the very get-go, there have been those desperate to steal those rights from us. Someone always wants to be king over your life. Individually it was difficult to have the power to do much and so people joined together in common groups to get the voting power necessary to get what they wanted. This degenerated into the two-party system of today.
Democrats and Republicans, the Hatfields and the McCoys, whatever we want to call them, they have become together the king. Presto changeo, we have a mostly unreachable, completely unimpeachable group of people, telling us everything we’re allowed to do and how our money is spent. It’s a system made by attorneys, for attorneys.
The original intent of our founders was to give the average man the ability to hold elected officials accountable. But now we’ve become a system in which we must weed through laws, find an attorney, and take our grievances to an over-burdened justice system. Our two-party system has allowed our Congresspeople (representing 700,000 each) to hide behind the cloak of party so their insider deeds cannot be seen. Their main job, just like the king, is to keep their constituents (subjects) in constant tension, fighting with each other over everything and taking our concerns to “the party”. We must support “the party” to get what we want.
All this madness on the part of us the subjects is purely to keep us from ever holding the government responsible for anything. It’s the Republican’s fault, it’s the Democrat’s fault. In reality, it’s our fault. Our founders told us the success of our country depended on a knowledgeable public. By pacifying our lusts, the politicians have kept us busy quarreling over who gets what and we’ve become disinterested in the system that gave us our Bill of Rights which the “King” has largely dismantled after 9-11, the Boston bombing, and of course the Covid lockdowns. The King (our government) has become an unassailable power, so entrenched, that rooting it out will require another revolution. There are just too many that benefit from this monster government we call the Washington.
Civil War? It wasn’t the answer the first time, why would it be this time? The answer is found in humbling ourselves as a nation, admitting our sins, and asking the same God our founders dealt with, to lead us not into temptation but to deliver us from evil. Being a natural-born pessimist, I don’t see that coming. I do see a lot of people talking, and mentioning Jesus, even Joe Rogan, that’s encouraging. In this depraved nation, we need a flood of people falling to their knees and asking the God of our founding for forgiveness. We need to be saved from our sins before we can save this nation. God’s will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.