Sep 7, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments


I wonder if the leftists know that Orwell meant 1984 as a warning and not a guide book. Here’s a couple of quotes from that timeless book.

“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power.”
“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”
“Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power”

So thus is an introduction to wisdom, that is to understand the power of the state is only for its own benefit. Freedom of thought, speech, property and religion are the only stumbling blocks to totalitarians. These control freaks are your enemy; they just seem like friends because they have a knack for getting people all excited about silly issues. That dedication to the elite will remain. When the freebies run out they have scapegoats lined up to heap the blame on. Right now we have the internet so the truth can be found. But that little man in the white house is giving control of the internet to the U.N. Russia and others are already planning a system like China has. Then the following quote from 1984 will make sense.

“For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable – what then?”

Aug 31, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

ISIS and Planned Parenthood

A comparison of Planned Parenthood and ISIS may just be too much for some to handle but some days I just feel like putting to print the thoughts that I should keep to myself. After all I really don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings but it just is the right thing to do. So here goes………………………

Planned Parenthood have become quite efficient at the killing and dismembering of pre-born children. After many years of wasting the by-products of their messy little industry, their thoughts turned to profit and now the poor little people aren’t just ripped apart limb from limb but they are killed in a way that allows proper harvesting of important parts.
This is far different than ISIS as they seem to enjoy blowing bodies apart making them totally unusable. There is no government supervision to make sure things are done in a sterile manner which is a definite advantage over Planned Parenthood. Also the public must clean up after the messes they cause which is another advantage. Planned Parenthood on the other hand carries out their barbaric acts on victims who have no voice. ISIS does make money off their victims which are allowed to live by charging a ransom for their release. This is a huge advantage because these victims have had the privilege of developing relationships with family and if the family loves them and has money they can barter with ISIS. The problem “little people” have is that they have no relationship with anyone but their mother and their mother doesn’t want them. Society doesn’t want them. So ISIS rightfully so gets some attention for it’s cruel treatment of people but Planned Parenthood gets subsidized by the government to make sure everyone knows the grisly killing of children is perfectly acceptable. I’m sorry. I was going to write more but I’ve lost my appetite. I’m bored or more aptly disgusted with the effort it takes to get people to care. I’m tired of the democrat rhetoric

Aug 25, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Cars and Dad

My dad loved cars, any kind of car. He bought his first one at fourteen years old; $250 is what he paid for that 1916 Overland. He went to the bank and asked for a loan. The banker asked him who his father was. He told him and without hesitation gave my dad the money. He worked all summer to pay it off. That was a lot of money in 1917. Over his life he spent a lot of money on cars, maybe way too much. He bought himself a Toyota in the 60’s, it was about the size of a 60’s Nova. That started his love affair with cars that got good gas mileage. Other than an old Model A or and occasional Studebaker we steered clear of domestic cars. So I’ve owned several cars from Europe including Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Triumph, MG, Sunbeam, Jaguar, Renault, and Porsche. My last sports car was an Aston Martin DB4. Fast forward to today. I’m driving a Toyota Avalon, a Japanese Buick. Comfy, trouble-free, great gas mileage; everything you could want in a car. I’d like to go back to those days though, take a ride in something that let the seat of your pants know there’s a road under you. I’m trying to resist the urge to get a convertible, not to re-live the past, but to appreciate cars the way my dad did. I wish I could go out in his shop and call him in for coffee. Cars were a connection to my dad; I miss him so much.

Aug 21, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments


The vast left-wing conspiracy has been long successful at convincing a boat load of Americans that they love the poor and hate the rich. This they have achieved all the while taking huge contributions from the very wealthy and taking bribes from Wall Street in the form of charges for speeches made. It troubles me that so many Americans are just a bunch of chumps slayed by the god of symbolism. It’s all about symbols. Black is a symbol for good character. Democrat is a symbol for goodness. Homosexual is a symbol for love. Planned Parenthood is a symbol for American family. I could go on but I hope you get the point. This is why an outsider who has no need to feed at the trough of U.S. taxes is unfit for office. It’s their game; they make the rules. Nobody is going to take it from them. They want global governance. Google, Facebook, Twitter, and an endless list of rich scumbags support the machine that is the Democratic and Republican parties, the U.N. and it’s demonic Agenda 21, not to mention the all encompassing and ever growing propaganda arm of global stupidity, the environmental protection system. So it’s good luck on stopping good from being called bad and vice versa. History tells us that people never for more than a very short time stop supporting the lunacy of the state. It’s time to be ready. Don’t be deceived. Donald Trump wants America to be great again. To make that happen Americans have to turn from their sin and accept Jesus Christ and follow His example. That has never happened on a mass scale and I don’t think it will happen now. Will there be a “revival”? Probably. But then comes the falling away and it will not be pleasant for the ones who don’t fall. But I encourage you to stand and only be on your knees in worship of the only God and King. For His promises fail not, His compassions fail not, and His is a kingdom without end. If you’re not part of that kingdom I hope you’ll seek Him while He still may be found.

Aug 12, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments


As I write this it is a quiet Sunday morning in Sonoma California. We’ve spent a couple days with old friends. Old friends are precious people. These are my wife’s old friends and through privilege of our marriage they are my friends too. The internet and that many times abused media called Facebook allows you to make contact with people you knew long ago. Sharing on the internet is one thing. Being invited into a friends home is a whole different thing. So we share our experiences, our common understanding of life lived, and some appreciation for making it intact this far. We have accepted the end result of our lives. What choice do we have? In reality we always did things our own way and that at times was a problem. What we friends have in common are the same frailties, but we joy in how much we are blest. Yesterday’s gone, tomorrow is not really in our hands, but today is the day we can give grace to each other, maybe lean on one another just a little, to let us know it’s OK; we are made of the same clay. So I am thankful for the grace and kindness of our wonderful old friends. It’s been a long sometimes tough road but we’ve made it this far and it is so sweet to have a hug at the end stretch of this trail we call life. So my hats are off to all of our friends and I so appreciate their hospitality. Thanks so much for your kindness to us.