Grace. Something we talk about but do we really offer as much as we could. We all have limits on how much we’re willing to give it seems. On the cross Christ asked the Father to forgive men because they didn’t really know and understand what they were doing. They were torturing and killing the creator of the universe. In their insane hatred they were mocking, whipping and crucifying God. It’s the same for us as followers of Christ. People do some unthinkable things. It’s down right wickedness. Lots of people suffer terrible abuse. But when we accept Christ as our savior we become His children. Jesus said “if the world hates me, it will hate you”. Some Christians suffer unthinkable things. And like Christ we must ask God to forgive them because they don’t know what they are doing. On the cross they crucified God’s son. When people persecute us they don’t know what they are doing. If they knew who we were, those thoughts wouldn’t cross their minds. We are brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ. God loves us. We are the “bride” of Jesus Christ. When we are persecuted it’s the same as persecuting Christ. We must ask God to forgive them. The world doesn’t believe in God or His son. People are not privy to eternal truth. It’s only when a person accepts Christ that the Holy Spirit begins filling them with truth and grace. So we are to give grace, that being undeserved and sometimes unwanted favor. Those that hate are lost in sin and unable to understand that they offend God and fall short of His glory. It’s up to us to show them the love of God and give them grace. Invite them to renew their mind and begin the journey that leads to life eternal. God so loved the world He gave grace; do we?