Jun 12, 2019 - Uncategorized    No Comments


Peace, that elusive place where rest is possible and the violence of man is absent, is the utopian dream of frightened people. Knowing the ravages of war, we strive for peace which is the righteous thing to do.

There seems to be a consensus among the young that if we forbid the speaking of “hateful words” we will eliminate the possibility of war. What they do not understand is this one simple thing; men are evil. Evil can only be defined by God. We’ve spent more than a hundred years killing God for the sole purpose of taking His place. We decide what is good; we decide that we are good and that we can know good from evil.

But we turn a blind eye to the depravity and violence around us. The media keeps bombarding us with unsettling news. They even dredge up murder stories of old lest we forget our heroes. We are enamored with the macabre, the decadent, the despicable actions of unrepentant people. We are drawn to violence; maybe we justify our little sins when we look at the worst of men.

Whole nations can come under the spell of racism. Nazi Germany is just one of many examples in history. In the United States, this infatuation with race is rising up. The left in this country are demanding their voices be heard and everyone else must be silenced. They are the superior race. Violence will become a necessary tool to bring deplorable people into submission.

Jesus said He came into the world to bring a sword, not to bring peace. His message would separate families, businesses, countries, and even your closest friend from you. A person either loves Jesus Christ or they don’t. He wants us to make a decision and that is simply this: are you good (self-righteous) or are you evil (needing a savior). If you need a savior the mockers will avoid you or persecute you. That is your cross to bear, being separated from the lust of the world.

Technology, science, and feelings have become the new, triune god. The new god is in town, politically correct, tolerant of your sins, and sings an intoxicating. song. We now have that generation who, being ignorant of the passion of Jesus Christ, spits on His cross which freed men from the penalty of sin. With itching ears they listen to only what they want to hear.

Our prayer must be that God would free them from the bondage of their self-determined value and open their ears. As Christians, we must pray for our enemies. If we don’t pray for them, the holy spirit probably won’t call them to repentance. People, including ourselves, must be convicted of sin; that is the work of the Holy Spirit.

So, ask the impossible. Fight the good fight. We don’t fight because we know we’re going to win; we fight because the enemy of our soul wants to kill us. Fight, stand, don’t be afraid to speak the truth to lost people.

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