Oct 14, 2021 - Politics    No Comments

Police State

The lack of law and order is a planned tactic by our betters to put us in the mood for a federal police bureaucracy.

Hundreds of thousands of unvetted people from over 150 countries have been streaming across our borders. Amongst those are many who don’t come for the benefits of the American safety net system. There are actually people coming who are violent criminal and those who want America to fall. They are aided by a generation of spoiled brats who hate America and occupy all seats of power. As they settle all across our country, facilitated by the Biden Regime, lawlessness will increase many fold.

Not prosecuting the criminal activity of BLM and Antifa and decriminalizing theft and other crimes has increasingly put Americans on edge. In Chicago street gangs had a fight in which at least one was killed. The prosecutor decided not to press charges because the fight was just between the gangs and didn’t involve anyone else. At the same time we witness the U.S. Attorney General directing the FBI to investigate, question, and prosecute parents who are upset at school board meetings because of dictatorial mandates and the teaching of perversion to their children.

When the planned crisis gets bad enough, the administration will step in to save the day and nationalize all local police departments much like Adolf Hitler did. Remember, it was local police that rounded up the Jews.

The local police have already been heavily equipped with military type equipment. Tension between the police and certain factions of the community have been enhanced by government rhetoric and so now much of the population distrusts the police in its present form. Only a national police governed by a single leader would be able to eliminate bad policing policies or so the story will go.

A few Muslims attack the World Trade Center twenty years ago. John Brennan over-rode his own CIA and allowed them in to do our government’s dirty work. And we for twenty years deemed criminals by our government. This is what being inclusive is all about.

The Boston bombing was the same way. Mask and vaccine mandates have made those of us who love liberty enemies of the rest of the population. We are deplorable killers who are destroying our health, economy, and putting our nation at risk of collapse.

The shell game is almost over. Are you ready?

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