PPH: The Terror Continues
We are told it’s hateful to go into an abortion clinic and shoot people. It is hateful. Is it any less hateful to kill a child and sell his body parts so the medical crowd can make our sorry lives better? The left claim the interviews documenting these atrocities were “edited” Everyone knows that every movie, book written, local TV show is edited. Do we really want hear the message or all the miscellaneous comments not pertinant to the message. The left is famous for deleting or blatant ignoring the facts to promote their agenda. I’d say the Christian pro-life community has remained pretty docile and accommodating to the slaughter of our children. Our society is finally free from the obligation of caring for children isn’t it? So we are told by our commander that it’s hate speech to say anything against the practice. It was against the law to protect or defend Jews in Nazi Germany. I shudder when I think that half the population support this butchery. And now with the shootings in San Bernardino California we are being told what not to say about the perpetrators. The regime gets upset about a few killed but only for political purpose. The young are sacrificed daily for the same purpose: to satisfy a depraved population. Civility is breaking down every where, being promoted by the powers that be. As we speak there is a big push by the regime to rid our society of “assault” guns as these are the only weapons that have any ability to fight a tyrannical regime. I’m asking you to wake up, the fundamental change promised us is here and in my view it would be better to die standing than to try to live on my knees in an orange jump suit.