Jun 10, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Rocket Science

It’s not rocket science. We all know what that means but I’m beginning to think that everything is rocket science to dopes our colleges are turning out. What used to be common sense or just plain simple math has seemingly turned our best and brightest into a caldron of useful idiots. We’ve allowed our young to be indoctrinated by Marxist professors who like their mentors hate what America offers mankind: the freedom to express their thoughts in words. The old saying of not so long ago was: “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”. Political correctness has reversed that idea. Now it’s words that hurt people and if you say them the state will give you your just recompense. The ruthless state decides which words you can say and no mercy will be shown to anyone who defies the glorious state. As part of the fading generation my interest is only kindled by knowing that my children and grandchildren will suffer under the burden of leftist control. I heard a typical comment by a jug head in college; the new communism is good and it’s not like the old communism. I’ll have to admit the left have been very wise and thorough in the brain washing of our youth. And as many despots have noted whoever controls the learning of the young controls the future. So know I don’t expect conditions to change. Even though we have access to unlimited information the fact remains people are ignorant of basic fundamental truths.

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