Feb 20, 2021 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Same Old Stupidity

We’ve all heard or used the phrase “you can’t fix stupid”. There is this idea everyone has that they are smarter, wiser, more educated and let’s not forget holy than everyone that disagrees with them. We have so much invested in our superiority that it’s very difficult to get at the truth of anything. Why? Because superior people don’t listen to what they consider inferior people.

We now have a new administration dedicated to the proposition that all men are stupid and will be endowed by their government with certain rights that can be given to whoever worships them the best and taken away because of thinking the wrong thoughts.

So we are going to live through the same America hating administration as we had with Obama. Biden was and still is a power-hungry oligarch and flippantly issues edicts to harm as many Americans as possible.

What you say? Let’s get troops into Syria right now. Let’s force our country to buy our petroleum from countries that produce oil with no regard to the environment. So in the process (just like in the lockdowns) they eliminate jobs which they don’t deem as essential. That translates into your life not being essential which is of course the bare naked truth of what the Democrat Party thinks of you.

This is further demonstrated by their penchant for a school yard type of revenge on those they don’t like, those who get in the way of their deserved authority. Their positions have nothing to do with justice and everything to do with power.

Thirty five thousand troops surrounding the capital should be enough to wake up even the woke crowd but alas the opposite is true. Just like those who were mesmerized by Adolf Hitler, Beijing Joe devotees pant after Joe. But in Joe’s case it’s not because he’s a strong leader (that will come with Hateful Harris), no it’s because Joe is one of them, one of the crowd of condescending self-righteous, neighbor destroying jackals, weak in morals and strong in self-defined virtue.

Identity politics has been a masterful move just like everything our “betters” have orchestrated for the last hundred years. Can we overpower these thugs? I don’t know, I have no crystal ball, but I do know what the Bible tells us if we’re willing to listen. Just like the vaccine, the mark is coming No doubt we won’t be able to travel without the vaccine. We’ll be well-conditioned to buy and sell with the mark. They say in the end we (we being Christians) win, but I think the battle ahead may make us feel like winning isn’t even an option.

Our assurance is not in winning this battle but in realizing His promise is true. I believe God’s promise and Word are true. That’s why I’m looking up because redemption is drawing near, but maybe not on our schedule.

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