Saving America
Many of us would like to “save” America. We like the idea of freedom; freedom to benefit from our labor, own our property, make our own way. In short, we believe we have certain inalienable rights which are: control of our life, the liberty to say the truth, and the freedom to pursue happiness. These things were possible when God was God. The United States has decided that its government is God and that all benefits are derived from servitude to the state. The Bible tells us that the fool has said in his heart there is no God. One thing I’ve noticed is even the most ardent atheist is quite comfortable being subservient to the state. We’re told to choose this day whom we will serve. This implies that we will be of service to a god. We cannot have two masters. We will serve one and hate the one that we reject. The fool serves the state; the wise serve the God of the Bible. Those who serve the state are continually trying to find a “good” man (or whatever it is these days) to lead the nation into Utopia. Everyone is looking for a good politician to “save” them and their creed. I’m a political atheist. I do not believe that sinners are capable of electing good men. I believe that if the Lord doesn’t build the nation, they who build it labor in vain. The promises of God are eternal; the promises of politicians are good till they are elected. The promise of God is to bless you. The promise of the politician is the same. The difference is that God isn’t running for office. He doesn’t need you to like Him, believe Him, or trust Him. The politician needs all of that from their constituents so they throw out a few bones to keep them voting right. So men keep believing the broken promise of hope and change and turn their back on the only one who can save them, Jesus Christ. “For there is no other name given among men by which you must be saved.”