Jay Inslee was recently asked about the Black Lives Don’t Care group taking over a seven-block area of Seattle. It’s big news and yet the governor of Washington said he doesn’t know about it. I think he’s a liar but if he doesn’t know, he’s unfit to be running the state.
This is the choice so many areas of the country have. We can choose a liar who panders to our make-believe reality or an incompetent boob who’s so wrapped up in their PR campaign that everything important gets overlooked.
For the most part, these politicians are both incompetent and liars. I’m not blaming them because they only reflect the corruption of the electorate. People are born self-centered. We worship ourselves and raise our children to do the same. Whether we achieve by legal or criminal means makes no difference. We have “rights”. It matters not whose rights are trampled in the process.
So here we are in 2020 with little hope of diffusing the tension because there is no amount of reparations that will satisfy the criminal element of those following crooked politicians. By design, the Democratic Party has groomed the black community to be resentful of the past and a desire to separate from “white” values such as marriage. So Democrats continually enhance the necessity of them depending on the Democratic Party for support.
The white community observes the government tit getting bigger and can’t resist the urge to worship at the same shrine. So as we’ve destroyed millions of jobs, printed trillions of dollars to placate hopelessly divided people, the likely hood of war becomes a real possibility.
Insurrection is the chant of the hour. Enemies, both foreign and domestic, are pulling out all stops to destroy the one man standing in their way, Donald J. Trump. The collusion hoax, Ukraine impeachment farce, and destroying the economy with the virus scam, all are aimed at restarting America’s demise. The New World Order is not happy and with the help of a gullible, selfish public, the battle against President Trump can not fail.
Violence and intimidation are all they have. Defunding/hampering the police will necessitate those who love this country to fight their neighbor. Civil war has been the aim of the left all along. They must not win and for them not to win will take much sacrifice including our lives. Freedom requires the continual spilling of blood because academia have bred a generation of little tyrants who now occupy so many areas of influence and power. Without the help of God, we will not prevail.