See No Evil
My atheist brother-in-law told me that there was no such thing as evil. They see no evil or hear no evil. That is why they and their heroes can do no wrong. The end will always justify the means. An atheist has only one thing to believe in and that is the goodness of man (himself) and by extension, the good intentions of the state. It is obvious if one looks at history or the current conditions of the world that the goodness of man, especially in government, is something one can’t put any confidence in. Atheists are arrogant self-righteous people. Without realizing it they believe the lie put in the ear of Eve that being that the individual can know what good is. They decide what is right and good. They become dangerous leaders. The recent Paris Climate agreement is an example. The leadership of the whole world believes man can save the planet for the next generation; at least that’s what they tell us. Somehow they conveniently ignore the real problems of the world the least of which is the imminent possibility of nuclear war. It’s easy for politicians to get on board with another scam to control people. The United Nations elected Saudi Arabia to their commission on the status of women. Really? The Kool Aid must be in the vending machines. These are just two glaring examples of the “goodness” of men. If there is no evil then they don’t have to depart from it (Psalm 34:14). John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. They may not think they are evil but God disagrees. Just before the return of our Savior it will be like the days of Noah. And for a second time God will pour His wrath upon the earth. Genesis 6:5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. With technology we have multiplied the ability of man to imagine all sorts of wicked behavior. Jesus said the times of the end would be unlike any other and part of that is the ability of evil to reign in the hearts of all people except the very elect. Men are falling for the deception that they don’t need a savior; they can save themselves; they are good people. They are fools and fools think and do foolish things.