Seventy. I will be seventy years old in a couple months. Celebrate your birthday, isn’t that what you are supposed to do? My kids live a thousand miles away. They’d like me to go there but my kids live hundreds of miles apart; can’t be in two places at once. How do you choose?
Birthday parties are for other people. I’ve always downplayed my birthday because my wife, being born right after Christmas, has always hated hers. So I don’t like to acknowledge mine much. I’m not sure anyone even cares about this seventieth birthday anyway. Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad I’ve made it this far and am in pretty good health but I just don’t feel like celebrating.
If the next ten years are as spiritually productive as the last ten, then I’d just as soon pass on the birthday. Seventy is too old to start saying “you’re going to do something worthwhile”. If I haven’t done anything worthwhile by now, what makes me think that this next decade is the one that I’ll finally do something of lasting value.
Am I finally at the point where I can admit that most of my time has been spent in vanity. It’s only now that I realize what wisdom is, that being the winning of souls for Jesus Christ. The Bible says to work while it is still day, praise God while you’re still alive because the day comes all too quickly when there is no light left.
Only one life will soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last. That little plague hung in my mother’s house years ago. It’s just of late that it’s message is hitting me so hard.