Mar 27, 2013 - Politics    No Comments

Slappy Happy

Hugo Chavez is passed away.  His beloved Venezuela is disintegrating.  Food shortages plague society and violent crime is rampant.  It’s not safe to be out at night.  The average citizen lives a nightmarish life.  And yet there are many who adore and paraded through the streets to pay homage to Chavez.  On the other side there are many who look at the destruction of their country and blame their leader.  It’s always intrigued me how a leader can be viewed by the public in opposite ways.  It must be a reflection of how people view themselves.  The nanny state eventually eliminates our desire and ability to govern ourselves.  As a population becomes more dependant on the state, they become helpless to manage life without government.  Conversely those that are burdened with supporting the corruption of the state resent watching their wealth fade into poverty.  As individuals we make a decision to join one of these two camps, the haves or the have-nots. chavez We choose to take responsibility for our choices in life or we remain like children and continue our dependence on our parents.  Parents and governments both die.  Parents may leave wealth or debt to their children.  Governments only leave debt.  The haves realize that to sustain their life, they (the country) must continually build wealth lest they and their posterity become poor.  The have-nots believe in the utopian promise, that being we are all equal and therefore everything must be divided regardless of merit.  So it must be that a leader is respected as to which group he panders to.  Most leaders make a mockery of justice and common sense.  We are created equal in the eyes of God.  Our talents are not.  Some have much to offer and should be compensated in the market for their ability; and some can’t or won’t do what’s necessary to take care of themselves.  The “cants” we as a society have to deal with; they are the minority.  The “wonts” are destroying the wealth of the present and future.  It is in the ultimate collapse of government that the progressive promises are exposed for what they are: lies.

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