Apr 25, 2021 - Uncategorized    No Comments


Just throwing out some stats you may or may not know. It’s important that we be sober and not wrapped up in the nonsense of the hour. The desire to escape reality and remake it into a Disney fantasy seems to effect us all. If we just ignore it maybe it will just all go away.

1975 The average age was under thirty. In 2019 the average age had slipped to 38.4. The average new car has risen over 800%. The debt? It’s risen 50 times what it was in 75. The population has risen from 216 million to 331 million.

I won’t give more than one more and I’ve saved the best for last.

In 2019 there were 157 million working Americans. It’s only fair to count the latest non-lockdown year. 1975? And this says it all, 155 million!

So in 1975 the number of working people supporting the non-working was a healthy 71%. Today, 47% of the population support the rest. Rocket science this is not. This is why the founding fathers didn’t want a central bank. At the end of this FED charade comes the final puff of air into the bubble and pop goes the weasel.

It can’t be much longer before Bill Gates owns all the land and Elon Musk is the last working man.

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