Oct 20, 2014 - Uncategorized    No Comments


Following the “Wives” post with one on submission may seem strange but sometimes one idea or thought should be pondered before moving on. Submitting is a voluntary action. It can’t be coerced; you’ve got to want to do it. The church is the bride of Christ. We all volunteered to submit to His authority. We didn’t have to. But when we fully understood HIs love for us it became a no-brainer. Submitting became the only thing we could do. How could we not. When a husband empties himself of all his worth as Christ did for us then perhaps he probably has his wife’s welfare at heart. Christ submitted to the will of His Father. He didn’t have to. No, you don’t have to submit; but you do have the privilege of doing so. Yes, I know, there aren’t many men worth trusting out there. Maybe, just maybe you have to see them as they should be and not as they are and understand that they are but a shadow of Christ; now we see dimly but one day we shall see Him and each other as we really are, servants of Christ. Submit to each other; you are one in Christ.

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