Lindsay Jacoby, a successful woman by any measure, took her life by jumping four stories to the street below. She lived in a 3.6 million dollar home, had two young children, and from the outside looking in, she had life by the tail. I’m not going to venture a guess as to why she did this terrible deed, but in the suicides I’ve been “close” to I can make an observation as to what leads up to this taking place. I live in a retirement community. Suicides aren’t unusual. Life has no meaning and so why continue. My neighbor took his life by shooting himself with a shotgun in the bathroom in the middle of the night. He suffered from ill health as almost all of us do in our latter years. He didn’t want to be hooked up to “tubes and wires” and lay suffering till he died. His father had done the same thing. His wife slept through the event and didn’t realize what happened till morning. She could open the bathroom door just enough to see blood on the walls. That’s ugly. The last suicide I personally was close to happened the same way; a shotgun in the bathtub. Taking your life happens when you’ve reached a point of self absorbed conflict in your mind. Nothing outside of you matters. To hell with your spouse having to find what you’ve done. For some it’s kind of a payback to those that wronged them. The ones you leave behind won’t forget witnessing what you’ve done. I know there are varied clinical reasons for suicide but one thing to me is clear; there was no love left for anybody. Lindsay had two young children. They’re going to live with that their whole life. When you leave a child by suicide or just dumping them off somewhere, they blame themselves. To the ones left behind whether child or adult the feeling is the same. Empty resolve that their was a good reason for leaving this world and you somehow are guilty. Sometimes we look back and do realize we could have done more to give them hope. We don’t do things sometimes because the cost is high. Time. Money. Heartache. We’ve spent a lot of that already in our lives. But we can’t shift the blame to ourselves as many times people don’t want to be helped; they don’t want our kind of love. The best and only thing we can offer them is the love of Christ. If people believed the Creator of everything knows how may hairs are on their head they would seek Him, find Him, and receive what they need most, that being eternal life. Jesus said that knowing God is eternal life. Living life on earth isn’t worth the labor of it. It’s eternal life that makes this life of value.