Aug 29, 2019 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Surrounded by Idiots

Common sense has become politically incorrect; we are a culture on the brink of ruin and yet many do not see it. We all have a vested interest the continued “success” of the swamp.  After all, half the population receive some sort of government check, subsidy, or whatever.

People have become comfortable with debt. The cars we drive, the houses we buy, and much of our other purchases are on credit. Have you noticed the quick cash “title loan” stores every where? If you need cash it’s right at hand; just give up what you own.

The gap between rich and poor is widening and no one seems to know why. There are fundamental reasons for this and I will try to shine a light on the what has happened, still happens, and because of ignorance and stupidity will continue to happen. The perpetual ignorance is possible because most citizens are subjected to government sponsored schools. You can do your own diligence on what I purport, but John Dewey’s main objective was to make children good little citizens of a monolithic, all powerful state. Men can not be free if their minds are controlled by an elite few. We have been taught to believe that a few enlightened, well educated, and well connected leaders are better than we, smarter than we, and are capable to run our lives better than we are. This assumption makes us idiots and useful idiots at that.

One of the fundamentals of running a home or a business is balancing the books.  The governments of the world don’t have to balance their books; they have taxpayers.  They have the power through central banks to borrow or print their way out of bad decisions.  Our founders made it unlawfull to have a central bank because they knew that placing the banking system in so few hands spelled trouble.  Men given power will likely abuse it.  The other thing they stipulated was that the currency had to be linked to real assets, silver and gold.

Government leaders don’t like this because it’s hard to keep promises when on a strict budget.  Establishing the FED was necessary so the link between business and government could be blurred in the minds of the public.

As the FED had the power to regulate interest rates, it became possible to manipulated money flows.  The FED lowers rates which enable the populous to get into more debt, whilst allowing the banking cabal to borrow and invest at much lesser cost than the consumer.

This shell game was created for the benefit of the banks and the extremely wealthy and to insulate them from scrutiny.   The Bilderberg and CFR members and other elites are all engaged in elitist efforts to make the general public subserviant to their superior ambitions.

The central bank makes this all possible as banks with digital assest can easily corroborate or conspire on ways to achieve their collective goals.

Suggested reading: the Constitution of the United States, writings of our founders, and books on the banking cabal meeting on Jekyll Island.

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